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Posts published in “Front Page”

New Congresswoman Follows Lead of John Lewis

By Riki Bolster Some Porch Press readers were in short pants or wore ponytails when he was first elected to Congress. For 33 years, the…

Grant Park Might Have Gone to College

By Henry Bryant In 1870 there was a report of a meeting with interesting possibilities. Atlanta’s city fathers had already sewn up a deal to…


By Carlen Ruth Hultgren When the Strut Committee first met in February to plan the 2020 East Atlanta Strut, the word “pandemic” had yet to…


Last month’s Porch Press incorrectly referred to Joe Price as Joe Parker in the article East Atlanta Considers Branding, Again. Joe, of Joe Price Designs,…

Local Children’s Author Publishes Third Book

By Carlen Ruth Hultgren Joe Freeman, a resident in the SAND community, will release his latest book in The Adventures of BG series, Lucky Enough…

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