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South Moreland LCI Rezoning

By Bob Titus
The recommended Zoning Code modifications that are contained within the South Moreland LCI initiative are being considered for implementation by the end of this year. This, along with the proposed zoning code modifications and related conditions for East Atlanta Village, may provide the impetus for rational and worthwhile development in the future. For example, one such recommendation limits the number of gas stations that may exist within the EAV NC-2 district.
The initiatives under discussion are provided in the fact sheet provided by the South Moreland Avenue LCI Rezoning Study fact sheet (this can be found in the People and Places section of this Porch Press).
For those interested, here are the scheduled meetings in the coming weeks to discuss these issues:

The City planning staff contacts are Raquel Jackson (, 404-330-6326, and Tshaka Warren (, 404-330-6605.

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