Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Opening Remarks 7:00pm. February 8, Meeting Minutes approved without objection. Neighborhood Safety Zone 6 Representative Report – not in attendance. Safety…
Posts tagged as “East Atlanta”
By Guilherme Shakespeare Southern Feedstore, located at 1245 Glenwood Avenue in East Atlanta Village (EAV), has hit its stride. After a complete renovation of the old…
By Rich Lindeman On May 7, inspired by the lifelong journey and vision of East Atlanta Village’s (EAV) newest art duo, CostaLeko, Rich Lindeman and…
By Carlen Ruth Hultgren In honor of Historic Preservation Month, and due to, the enormous response last year, EABA (East Atlanta Business Association), is again…
By Emily Ragsdale On March 26, the East Atlanta Parent Network (EAPN) held their first Spring Kick-Off. At least one hundred families came to the…
By Bill Gould East Atlanta’s volunteer Neighbor in Need group which, for over a decade has raised funds and organized emergency home repairs for East…
By Henry Bryant Brownwood Park is home to two new Champion Trees: a Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica) and an American Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) down by the…
By Chase Miller On Monday, January 17, over 30 East Atlanta Community Association (EACA) members came together to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in…
By Carlen Ruth Hultgren Qommunity Is Food. Art. People. Why the Q? That’s my name and the space is my heart. I have always loved…