By Rebecca Kearns The East Atlanta Strut is a 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to showcase East Atlanta as a great place to live, work…
Posts tagged as “East Atlanta”
By Chelsea Sommers On Saturday October 29, East Atlanta celebrated Halloween with the beloved EAV-O-Ween event in the Village. As popular as ever, it attracted…
By Carlen Ruth Hultgren The East Atlanta Village Farmer’s Market (EAVFM) is pleased to announce it will once again host the annual Giving Thanks Potluck…
By Ian Michael Rogers Easements Atlanta is the proud recipient of a preservation easement donation by Pellerin Real Estate for the circa 1911 Marbut and…
Welcome and Call To Order 7pm Public Safety reports Lt. White of Zone 6 – Once again, please don’t leave anything in your car. Car…
By Carlen Ruth Hultgren Besides the neighbors, attendees, artists, and sponsors, there were actual winners of contests at the Strut this year. The Rum Cake…
By Katina VanKronkhite Long time East Atlanta resident and community activist Beth-Ann Buitekant, 76, passed away on August 22. During the almost forty years she resided…
By Henry Bryant There are geographical and physical remnants left in our neighborhood from the Battle of Atlanta nearly 160 years ago. 40 years after…
By Guilherme Shakespeare Pellerin Real Estate is proud to announce its new tenant, Mercer Street Meals, for 845 Flat Shoals Road in East Atlanta. In…
By Michelle Rice and Carlen Ruth Hultgren Did you make it out to the Strut this year? If you live in East Atlanta, you did…