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Dogtoberfest in EAV 2016

By Morieka Johnson and Lauren Janis
Dog lovers, mark your calendar. East Atlanta Village goes to the dogs from 12:00pm to 4:00pm on Sunday, October 16 in celebration of Dogtoberfest. This family friendly event features Halloween costumes and contests for dogs, a parade of adorable pets, as well as delicious treats for people and pets.
The Halloween dog costume contest and parade will be located at the Midway Pub this year. The parade down Flat Shoals Avenue begins at 1:00pm, and the dog costume contest begins at 3:00pm. Join your friends and neighbors (both the two- and four-legged variety) for a fun stroll around the neighborhood, then compete for awesome prizes from Big Daddy Biscuits and Park Pet Supply. It’s $5 per dog to enter the Halloween costume contest. There will also be an assortment of raffle items from metro Atlanta businesses.
Dogtoberfest in EAV is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that promotes responsible pet ownership. The organization’s October festival funds event expenses, neighborhood upgrades designed to make East Atlanta Village more dog friendly, and grants for pet-focused nonprofits. This year’s grant recipient is Ahimsa House, Georgia’s only nonprofit dedicated to helping people and pets escape domestic violence together.
East Atlanta Village residents Lauren Janis of Big Daddy Biscuits and Morieka Johnson of founded the festival in 2013 with the goal of celebrating responsible pet ownership. The inaugural event attracted more than 300 dogs and 500 people. East Atlanta has always been a pet-friendly community. That’s what makes it so special,” said Janis, whose company Big Daddy Biscuits is the title sponsor of Dogtoberfest in EAV. “I’m so proud to see neighbors embrace Dogtoberfest. We look forward to offering a bigger and better event each year.”
The event will be located at The Midway Pub located at 522 Flat Shoals Avenue in the heart of East Atlanta Village. Gathering for the parade will start at 12:00pm with the parade starting at 1:00pm. The event is free for people, and $5 per dog. For more information, please check out the Facebook page at

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