By Henry Bryant When The Porch Press began 33 years ago, there had been community newspapers in the three neighborhoods of Neighborhood Planning Unit-W (NPU-W)…
Posts published in “People and Places”
By Carlen Ruth Hultgren It’s time to renew your commitment to your local library branch, the East Atlanta Library. They can make many things happen,…
By Carlen Ruth Hultgren Neighbor in Need (NIN) East Atlanta has had a very productive 2017. The organization is truly proud of the accomplishments and…
By Donna Mayer Todd Ape Conservation Effort, Inc. (ACE) is proud to present its first Magic Night on Saturday, March 17 in the World Studio…
By Morgan Hamlin The following tale of restoration was told to me by Grant Park’s own Miller, the Milledge Fountain’s merlion sculpture that has seen…
By Heather Staniszewski Last month, the East Atlanta Library hosted an event to celebrate National Friends of the Library Week. This event honored twenty three…
By Carlen Hultgren Neighbor in Need East Atlanta (NIN) and East Atlanta Community Association (EACA) want to extend sincere thanks for the generous sponsorship and…
By Joe Thomas For the eight year in a row, Trees Atlanta joined with community members and volunteers to plant trees in East Atlanta Village…
By Lanta Carroll, MDiv, MS, LPC Neighbors, come and jump start your holiday shopping and support your community at the third annual Park Avenue Artist Market.…
By Sandra Richardson If you like to walk, a new walking group is forming for people over 60 years of age. The walking path will…