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One Twelve Gallery Presents Realms

By Annie Drexler
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Atlanta, Ga. — One Twelve Gallery in the Stove Works of Inman Park presents Realms, an exhibition of paintings and drawings by Jeanie Tomanek, Scott Dupree, and George Long.
Painter Jeanie Tomanek left the corporate world behind several years ago to focus on developing her style and voice as a painter. Tomanek’s work explores memory, dreams, literature, folk tales, and myths. Says Tomanek, “My figures often bear the scars and imperfections that, to me, characterize the struggle to become.”
Painter Scott Dupree had a nomadic childhood, sometimes living on a sailboat and other times traveling across the U.S. in his family’s Volkswagen. This early exposure to regional traditions and cultures fostered a curiosity and appreciation for history and how Americans’ everyday lives are influenced by the past.
“My art is painted still life theatre that critically examines the historical, social, and political conditions that define the 21st century,” says Dupree. His paintings, like Tomanek’s, are often “narratives of becoming.”
Artist George Long works in a variety of media, including drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. This series depicts children at work and play. Long’s process involves manipulating a drawing to create repetition and a sense of movement and action. This manipulation both degrades and enhances the image, with figures fading, shifting, and overlapping. The final images have a dreamlike quality – a sense of a fleeting memory.
Realms opened Friday, May 10th. The show will run through July 21st.
One Twelve Gallery is located inside City Church Eastside, in Suite 5 of the Stove Works Lofts, at 112 Krog Street, Atlanta, GA 30307. The gallery is open Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and by appointment. For more information, visit

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