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Friends of East Atlanta Library Planning for Book Sales and an Eventful 2014

By Gina Root
Friends of East Atlanta Library (FEAL) has finalized plans for one of its busiest years ever, with four book sales, member gatherings, and year-round sponsorship of an art gallery in the library’s meeting room, already on the calendar. All of these activities help promote and provide support to the East Atlanta Library as well as providing programs for its membership.
2014 is the first year that FEAL will have multiple book sales. The first book sale on Saturday, March 1 will be held on the outdoor plaza at the East Atlanta Library from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. This sale will kick off “Read Across America Week.” Additional book sales are scheduled for June 28, September 20 (during the EAV Strut), and December 6 with a holiday bake sale. FEAL is now accepting book donations for those book sales. Clean, gently used hardback and paperbacks are accepted. Books may be left with the library circulation desk.
According to the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library system, East Atlanta Library is now one of the busiest neighborhood libraries in the city. This makes FEAL that much more important, as the library serves a growing and diverse patron base. FEAL is looking for more members to help provide local support. FEAL will have their next board meeting on Monday, February 17 at 6:30pm in the East Atlanta Library meeting room. All are welcome to attend.
FEAL is happy to announce that the library was awarded a $3,585 grant from the East Atlanta Foundation in 2013. The grant money will be spent on improvements to library shelving and displays and to expand the book collections.
In addition to the grant award, FEAL has been successful in raising money through monthly business sponsorships. These donations support the busy program schedule led by library staff. In addition to regular story times, the library hosts special guest storytellers, test preparation classes for teens, financial workshops, and much more. Local businesses interested in sponsoring library programs are encouraged to contact FEAL at
The library is in need of regular volunteers to donate one or a few hours each week. If you are interested, please fill out the volunteer form at or inquire at the circulation desk.
Contact for more information, and keep up on all East Atlanta Library events by liking Friends of East Atlanta Library on Facebook.

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