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Posts tagged as “East Atlanta Strut”

And the Winners Are….

By Carlen Ruth Hultgren Besides the neighbors, attendees, artists, and sponsors, there were actual winners of contests at the Strut this year.                The Rum Cake…

Strut 2021: The Recap

By Carlen Ruth Hultgren The 2021 East Atlanta Strut again went neighborhood-wide, and thousands of people joined this year’s festivities. For the 24th year in…

STRUT Your What?

By Carlen Ruth Hultgren Saturday September 25, the East Atlanta Village Strut rolls back into town, and we do mean roll.  What the pandemic required last…

Strut Your Neighborhood, EAV

By Carlen Ruth Hultgren It’s September, so what does that mean in East Atlanta Village? It means it’s Strut month! On Saturday September 25, the…


By Carlen Ruth Hultgren When the Strut Committee first met in February to plan the 2020 East Atlanta Strut, the word “pandemic” had yet to…

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