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Miss the ANCS Fall Festival? Catch it in October 2016!

By Amy D’Unger
Did you miss the Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School’s annual Fall Festival on October 17? If you did, you missed an afternoon of games, music, crafts, food, ponies, a wandering Frankenstein’s monster, and dunking people in icy cold water! The weather was gorgeous, and hundreds of people came out to enjoy the event. Thanks to all the event sponsors, volunteers, and community members who made the day such a success.
Proceeds from the event go to support the programming provided by the Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School’s Parent Teacher Community Association (PTCA). The PTCA provides educational enrichment activities for students and supports a variety of initiatives and events, including teacher appreciation, mini-grants for teachers and staff, in-school field trips such as art and science programs, and committees on issues such as sustainability and health and wellness. You can read more about the ANCS PTCA at
Mark your calendars for next year’s event. (OK, don’t really mark your calendars until we set a date.) You don’t want to miss the 2016 ANCS Fall Festival, which will be even bigger and better. Rumor has it that next year’s dunking booth will have whitewater waves, and the ponies will be unicorns. You heard it here first.

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