By Shannon Sanders

The Friends of the East Atlanta Library (FEAL) supports the programs and efforts specific to the East Atlanta library branch and they love being part of the East Atlanta Village community. Participating in the EAV-O-Ween, Christmas Tree Lighting, Summer Reading Kick-Off, The Strut, and wherever they can promote the library, the Friends will be found.
Last year, they started a book club for the community which is still going strong. The club meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month, and, like all library events, is free and open to the public. FEAL also sponsors summer reading programs, continues the bilingual storyteller for young kids, and movement classes throughout the year for older adults. The Friends support a staff holiday luncheon, Library Workers Appreciation Week breakfast, a retirement event for a long-time librarian, and other needs for the library, staff, and patrons, that the library system doesn’t have in its budget.
FEAL invites the community to the Annual Meeting on Monday, December 4, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. There will be a short business meeting with the remaining time reserved for visiting the library, and mix and mingle with FEAL members, library staff, and patrons. Light refreshments will be served, and jazz will be performed by the duo Kayla Taylor & Steve Moore.
During the business portion of the meeting, the FEAL members will be voting on the Board of Director’s slate. Returning board members are Constance Franklin, Lyn Hillman, Doug Kaye, Sheila Levy, Nancy Mullins, Shannon Sanders, and Beverly Turner. Two new board members are also interested in joining: Lashanon Johnson and Brian Page.
With upcoming holidays, don’t miss the puzzles that you can check out with your library card.
This was a joint effort between the branch and FEAL. And remember the Book Sale Shelf for gently used books and to support the branch. Available during regular library hours, it’s $3 for hardbacks, $2 for softbacks, and all proceeds directly benefit the East Atlanta Library. Books may be purchased through your phone. Additional donations are always welcome.
The group invites you to become a FEAL member yourself at
Membership is tax deductible, and all proceeds directly support the East Atlanta branch. For all of the events and happenings at the East Atlanta Library, please follow the Facebook Page: @friendsofeastatlantalibrary or visit