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Posts published in “Front Page”

Voter Registration Deadline

By Carol Seeger April 26 is the deadline to register to vote before the General Primary/Non-Partisan/Special Election and Runoff Election to be held on May…

City Recycling Clarified

By Henry Bryant Recently a rumor has been circulating about the City of Atlanta discontinuing the recycling of glass at curbside. That seems to be…

Ormewood Park Egg Hunt Returns

by Angela Easter The Ormewood Park Parents Group is proud to team up with sponsor Red Robin Realtors once again to host the annual neighborhood…

Our Sole Support

By Henry Bryant While The Porch Press is sponsored by the three neighborhood groups in Neighborhood Planning Unit-W (NPU-W), we are supported financially only by…

More BATL Tours

By Henry Bryant BATL, the organization formed to commemorate the Battle of Atlanta is continuing its schedule of tours throughout the year in 2016. The…

Grant Park Conservancy Awarded $95K Legacy Grant

By Alisa Chambers The Grant Park Conservancy has been awarded a $95,000 Park Pride Legacy Grant to support the restoration of the Milledge Triangle, one…

Glenwood Realignment Project Is Alive

By Paul Gardner At long last, the much anticipated Glenwood/Moreland Realignment Project is getting underway. After many public forums and many revisions of the project,…

Dance 411Celebrates the Season

By Justin Draper The children and young adults in the Dance 411 Kids Progressive program have been hard at work since August preparing for their…

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