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Welcome the New Youth Librarian to the East Atlanta Library Branch

By Shannon Sanders

The East Atlanta Library has a new Youth Librarian. The library staff, community, and the Friends of the East Atlanta Library (FEAL) are excited to welcome Benjamin Lynch to the East Atlanta Branch, after two years without a youth librarian. Mr. Lynch previously served as a media specialist for fourteen, of his twenty-one years in Georgia public education. He holds a Master of Library and Information Science, a Specialist in Instructional Technology, and a BA in English.

Photo by Shannon Sanders Benjamin Lynch, East Atlanta Library Youth Librarian

FEAL asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better. Q: “Name one person you’d like to meet (living or deceased) and why?” Lynch: “If I could meet any one person, living or deceased, it would probably be FDR. As a student of history, given the times, this quote from the NY Times editorial on his passing sticks with me: “Men will thank God on their knees a hundred years from now that Franklin D. Roosevelt was in the White House.” I can’t fault the sentiment. I have the impression he was quite a charming person and I’ve visited his cabin in Warm Springs. It left quite the impression, to visit his personal quarters, which have remained more or less untouched since his death there in 1945.” Q: “What drew you to being a youth librarian?” Lynch: “I was drawn to being a youth librarian because I have served as a media specialist in middle and high schools for many years, but after the pandemic, I desired a fresh start, and this felt like the perfect direction, particularly as I formerly owned a home at the end of McPherson and had thought about working at this branch many years ago.” Q: “Finish the sentence: I’m most looking forward to ________ in this new role as the East Atlanta branch youth librarian.” Lynch: “I am most looking forward to starting a board game collection as the East Atlanta branch youth librarian.

Lynch has two children, ages 5 and 2 ½ and lives in the nearby East Lake neighborhood. Lynch enjoys reading mostly nonfiction and big science fiction novels. His favorite all time read remains Proust’s In Search of Lost Time.  With youngsters at home, he reads a lot of children’s books and has developed an appreciation for Dav Pilkey’s Dogman, which has quickly become his son’s favorite series. Lynch’s hobbies are reading, 40K and building models, playing board games, and video games. Please stop in the branch and say hello.

Don’t miss the calendar to see more events scheduled for kids in The Porch Press, @Friendsofeastatlantalibrary on Facebook or online at


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