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SAND Meeting Minutes – Thursday, May 9, 2024

Opening remarks

City/State/School/Other Elected Officials 

Jason Winston’s Office – Michael Ulmer: Update on the transfer of Red’s Farm. The process is moving forward. Traffic calming on Moreland Drive @ Woodland Avenue; options are limited, but working on legislation to help address the issue. Organizing a community input event for South Boulevard (targeting July). The primary cause of delays is around design decisions not funding (which is in place).

Liliana Bahktiari’s Office – Patrick Husband: Energy Fund of $500,000 has been established. Working on the cemetery visitor center funding.

Atlanta Police Dept.  –  Sgt. Robert Godwin: Increase in Aggregated Assault due primarily to domestic violence. Focused on a current gang “war.”

Nikema Williams Update – Jennifer Freeman (occurred later in the meeting): Can act as liaison for interaction with the federal government. Congressional Art Competition winners will be announced May 11.

State Senator Nan Orrock (occurred later in the meeting): $36 billion was signed, expanded paid family leave was included as was funding for Atlanta Technical College. Focused on multiple healthcare issues.


Beautification/Treasurer – Progress update and Financial Agreement with Urban Farm Ormewood (UFO) – An agreement has been signed for SAND to act as fiscal agent for the 501(c)(3).  We are looking for members to serve on the board.

Social – Call for volunteers for Ormewood Park Makers Festival May 17 through 21 and update.  Signup is available for the Maker’s Fest. Planning for the Benteen Park Fall Fest has begun, and will be held on October 26th.  Vendors and sponsors can go to to sign up, and anyone with a question can email

Transportation – 1-20/ Bill Kennedy Exit Ramp update: GDOT/ATLDOT/Atlanta BeltLine have reached agreement on several safety improvements over the coming months. Next update meeting will be the third week of June.

SMAWG: Speeding enforcement by APD and GSP. Congressional funding was approved ($500,000) it will be used primarily for feasibility and planning studies.

Land use and Zoning: 740 Moreland Avenue update – An appeal to the BZA of an administrative approval. Looking for long-term residents (either in East Atlanta or SAND) prior to 1990 who can provide information on previous uses of the property.

Matters for Voting

V-24-64 – 570 Glenwood Place, Applicant Peter Zyskowski – Applicant seeks to reduce the half-depth front yard setback from 17.5ft to 7ft, and a special exception to allow for a parking bay within required yards. LUZ result: Motion to approve – unanimous – approved without objection.

V-24-26 – 1686 Woodland Avenue, Applicant Orlando Sablon – Applicant seeks a variance to reduce the minimum distance of a front facing garage from the front face of the front façade from 10 linear feet to 0 feet LUZ result: Motion to approve 13/11/0 – Motion passed 12 in favor, 4 opposed, 1 abstention (vote was revised 10 in favor, 4 opposed, 1 abstention)

Z-24-15 – 1051 Moreland Drive, Applicant Christian Olteanu for owner DR Horton Inc. (paired with CDP-24-8) – Applicant seeks rezoning from R-4 to MR-2 (Multifamily Residential) to allow for development of 34 for-sale townhouse units. LUZ result: Motion to deny – 14/8/0. Applicant has elected to defer and Planning has rescheduled the application for the June cycle to allow the applicant to consider revising the application. No action taken.

V-24-74 – 1072 Shelby Place, Applicant Randall Zaic for owner Jeffrey Graham – Applicant seeks to 1) reduce rear yard setback from 15’ to 5ft 2) increase lot coverage from 50% to 58.4% 3) increase maximum width of the driveway in a residential district from 20’ to 22’ 4) obtain a special exception to allow a parking bay within the east side yard setback area. LUZ result – Motion to approve – Unanimous – Approved without objection.

CDP-24-8 – 1051 Moreland Drive – Land Use amendment from Single Family (SFR) to Low Density Residential (LDR) LUZ result: Motion to deny – 14/8/0. Applicant has elected to defer and Planning has rescheduled the application for the June cycle to allow the applicant to consider revising the application.  No action taken.

Z-24-18 – 628 Hemlock Circle, Applicant Nina Gentry for owner ATLR4A LLC – Applicant seeks rezoning from R-4 to R-4A to allow for a subsequent Minor Subdivision (MSD) to create an additional buildable parcel. LUZ result: Motion to approve – unanimous – approved without objection.

Z-24-22 – 1109 Moreland Drive, Applicant Peter Drey for Highland Property Asset Holdings LLC. (Paired with CDP-24-12) – Applicant seeks rezoning from R-4 to MR-3 (Multifamily Residential) to allow for development of two 3-story buildings containing a total of 76 residential units. Applicant has deferred to the June cycle. No action taken.

CDP-24-12 – 1109 Moreland Drive – Land Use amendment from Single Family (SFR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR). Applicant has deferred to the June cycle.  No action taken.

Approval of minutes from April meeting – Meeting notes were approved without objection.

Conclusions and closing remarks – 2 minutes – Meeting was adjourned @ 8:57pm.

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