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SAND Meeting Minutes – Thursday, June 13, 2024

Welcome – 2 minutes. Opening remarks – The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm, and a review of voting eligibility was provided by the President.

Approval of minutes from May meeting (moved from end of meeting) – The meeting notes were approved without objection.

City/State/School/Other Elected Officials – 5 minutes per presenter.

Announcements – 5 minutes per item.

Committee Reports

Beautification/Treasurer: Progress update and Financial Agreement with Urban Farm in Ormewood, Inc. (UFO) – A meeting is scheduled to take the next steps on the partnership between SAND and UFO, Inc on July 9. Invitation for SAND UFO board representative nominations – A request was made for a volunteer to represent SAND on the UFO, Inc. board. 2024 Makers Festival performance report – The Treasurer provided an update that once again the Makers Festival was profitable, final numbers are pending several outstanding receipts.

Transportation: I-20/Bill Kennedy exit ramp update – Meeting on June 17 online or in person at Halidom. SMAWG – SMAWG is continuing to work with GDOT, ATLDOT, ARC and others to move forward with utilizing the approved Congressionally Directed Spending.

Social: Request from Atlanta Civic Circle to distribute a childcare survey.

Land Use and Zoning: V-24-81 – 740 Moreland Avenue – Appeal of issued business license for Moreland Avenue Tires and Autocare. Hearing on July 11. Comments regarding the appeal can be sent to Nina Gentry regarding the permitted use and historical uses.

SAND Advertising in The Porch Press – Renew commitment to quarterly advertising @ ~$1,000 per year. A motion to renew the commitment was approved without exception.

Presentation/request for support – Alpha Kappa Alpha: Nicole Adams shared the efforts to create a graduate chapter interest group in SE Atlanta. A motion was made to send a letter of support and was approved without objection.

Presentation/request for support – SRWA: Request support for ARC complaint letter. Margaret Spalding made a short presentation. is the contact website. Complaint is intended to be filed before June 30. Motion was made to sign onto the SRWA support letter as written from SRWA to ARC. The motion failed by a vote of 5 In Favor, 5 Opposed. Motion was made for SAND to take no official position on the letter from the SRWA to ARC. The motion failed 5 In Favor and 4 Opposed 1 Abstention. Motion was made to defer to the July cycle. The motion was approved 7 In Favor, 1 Opposed, 1 Abstention.

NPU-W General Meeting Moves to the 3rd Wednesday @ 7:00pm starting in July. The President made an announcement on this change.

Matters For Voting: Z-24-15 – 1051 Moreland Drive: Applicant Christian Olteanu for owner DR Horton Inc. (paired with CDP-24-8) Applicant seeks rezoning from R-4 to MR-2 (Multifamily Residential) to allow for development of 34 for-sale townhouse units. LUZ result -Motion to deny in May cycle – 14/8/0. Applicant elected to defer till June cycle and paperwork was not complete at June LUZ meeting. Applicant elected to re defer to July cycle. However, the LUZ chair has not received a copy of the request to defer at this time. CDP-24-8 – 1051 Moreland Drive: Land Use amendment from Single Family (SFR) to Low Density Residential (LDR) LUZ result – see Z-24-15. 24-O-1218 (Z-24-43) – Citywide ordinance to prohibit the use case of Data Centers within the Beltline Overlay District. LUZ result – Unanimous. Motion to deny with clarification that the committee believes the ordinance is too broad and poorly defined and should be better detailed. The SAND decision was to support the NPU-W LUZ  recommendation. The vote was 7 In Favor, 1 Opposed, 1 Abstention. 24-O-1222 (Z-24-44) – Citywide ordinance: Ordinance to define “Data Center” in the zoning code and limit such use cases to industrial zones/specific Special Public Interest (SPI) districts, except where property is within 1/2 mile of a high capacity transit station. LUZ result – Motion to deny – Unanimous. The SAND motion was to support the NPU-W LUZ recommendation. The motion was approved without objection. Benteen Park Fall Festival application. A motion was made to approve the application. The motion was approved without objection.

Matters for Review and Comment: MSD-24-19 – 657 Francis Avenue: Applicant Amy Clement. Applicant to subdivide the parcel into two lots. Submit Comments for forwarding to the Department of City Planning at

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