By Henry Bryant
The Georgia Department of Transportation just released this proposal for reconfiguration of the Moreland Avenue interchange at I-20. Those who travel this bridge know that it is a bottleneck at times. It has been a half cloverleaf since it was conceived in the late 1950s. This new plan calls for a quarter cloverleaf with additional lanes going north on from Westbound I-20 and the Southbound off ramp. There would also be new signals on both sides of the bridge. Westbound traffic from East Atlanta and SAND will have to cue up to turn left onto that entrance ramp instead of the current ramp that goes down from the east lane of the bridge. This should be “fun” for traffic from Flat Shoals that will have to enter the fray at McPherson and move across 3 lanes of traffic to make the left onto !-20. The DOT did not get this to us in time for it to be in last month’s paper so that we could tell you about the public comment period which has ended.

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