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EAV Community Yard Sales in April

By Carlen Hultgren
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Starting April 2, 12:00pm to 4:00pm, and every Sunday in April following that, you can buy and sell at the East Atlanta Village community yard sale. The sale is being hosted by Kiwi Vintage, located at 1271 Glenwood Avenue, next to the Screen Fixing Shop.
Are you looking for a few things around the house but would rather not shell out your hard earned paycheck for them? Has spring cleaning left you with items you would rather do without? East Atlanta friends and neighbors will be setting up on the back patio at Kiwi Vintage in the heart of the Village, to sell their finest wares. Fifty percent of proceeds raised will go to the East Atlanta Community Association and the new EACA shirts can be purchased on site.
Come out and enjoy Village comradery, support local organizations, and go home with a treasure or two.
If you are interested in setting up, contact Kiwi Vintage at

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