By the Grant Park Conservancy Staff

Do you remember catching fireflies when you were young? Perhaps you’ve seen fireflies at home and want to keep them around, or you have noticed a decline in the firefly population throughout your life, or maybe you have never seen fireflies before and are interested in learning more.
Whatever your reason, check out the Atlanta Firefly Project for community science opportunities in Atlanta this summer! The project is looking for as many volunteers as possible to sign up to monitor your yard: whether apartment, town home, single-family, or wherever you live, your observations are valuable.
Don’t have fireflies at home? That’s OK – they still need your help. They need all types of properties monitored so they can understand where fireflies are located in Atlanta, how many fireflies there are in Atlanta, and what threats they are facing.
Visit to sign up. Follow them on Instagram at @Atlantafireflyproject. The first 500 volunteers to sign up get a free Atlanta Firefly Project sticker.
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