By Paul Schwartz

We all know why the chicken crosses the road, but what happens when it doesn’t? What happens when a chicken has FOMO (the fear of missing out) from his friends but also the fear of crossing to meet them? What happens when a chicken…is a chicken?
In the comedic and heartwarming story Why Didn’t the Chicken Cross the Road? written and illustrated by Paul Schwartz, Chicken only wants one thing: to cross the road. His friends on the other side eat popsicles for lunch, play Duck Duck Goose, and invite him to join the fun. But Chicken’s fears hold him back, fears that are magnified by his parents, who screech and cluck their warnings about the hazards of crossing. Will Chicken overcome his fears? In the end, his pluck and ingenuity take the story to a smart and satisfying free-range conclusion.
Paul Schwartz is an environmental lawyer, folk artist, guitar player, and songwriter who lives in Atlanta with his family. He was a member of the relatively unknown rock bands Big Fish Ensemble and Lord High Admirals, and takes care of backyard chickens. This is his first children’s book.
To set up an interview, reading, signing, or for information regarding Why Didn’t the Chicken Cross the Road?, please contact Paul Schwartz at
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