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SAND Meeting – August 2020

August 13, 2020 (online meeting)

Submitted by Nathan Clubb

SAND will be holding the election for the 2021 SAND officers and committee chairs during the October SAND meeting. All members with voting rights can run for office and/or vote during the election.

The South Moreland Avenue Working Group provided an update to the community. We are working on a mission statement that will be incorporated into a memo to be sent to both elected officials and leadership within the City of Atlanta and GDOT. We are also working on connections to other neighborhoods south of East Atlanta and SAND.

There was a discussion of speed concerns and racing on Moreland and Boulevard. We will reach out to APD to ask them to attend the next SAND meeting to discuss this and other policing concerns.

Communications: Register to vote… and then vote!!!!

Education: Chair Rachel Ezzo provided an update on COVID19 and APS using a presentation provided by school board member Leslie Grant. COVID rates are much higher among teens in APS.

Zoning: We voted unanimously to approve Z-20-51 / 515-531-537 Moreland, legislation by Councilmember Carla Smith removing the commercial requirement for these properties, and to defer/deny Z-20-54 1046-1056 Berne Street (rezone from R4 to R4A for future subdivision) at the request of the applicant.

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