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Major Restoration Project Brings Exciting Improvements to Grant Park’s Southeast Quadrant

By Ceci Villanueva

The Grant Park Conservancy (GPC) has been busy at Grant Park’s Southeast Quadrant, making progress on a major restoration project that brings several visible improvements to this area of the park. Perhaps the most stunning is the brand-new pedestrian-friendly entrance at the corner of Boulevard and Atlanta Avenue, which offers increased separation from vehicular traffic, and will make it easier and safer for visitors to enjoy the park.

The new welcome plaza, where cobblestone and permeable pavers have replaced old asphalt, features a beautiful decorative medallion identical to the one at the Milledge welcome plaza on the Cherokee side of the park. The medallion is built of granite and measures 5 feet in diameter. Just like the one at Milledge, it displays Grant Park’s nickname, reminding us that Grant Park is indeed “The People’s Playground.”

Further down the path, clogged inlets that caused drainage issues have been repaired, allowing for storm water runoff to flow. Pathways have been scaled to be more pedestrian-friendly and greenspace has been expanded to beautify the area. New benches along the path create inviting spots to rest and take in the scenery.

The new Educational and Gathering Plaza at the base of Fort Walker is complete and new landscaping has been installed. The plaza, which offers stunning views of the Atlanta skyline, will feature interpretive signage, sharing the rich and complex history of Grant Park.

This major restoration project, made possible by the generous contributions of donors, GPC members, and GPC fundraising events, is part of the 2018 community vision plan created through the Park Pride Park Visioning Program. The Grant Park Conservancy will be hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony this spring and we are excited to celebrate our progress with the community. Stay tuned for more details in the GPC’s newsletter and follow us on social media at @grantpark.atlanta

The Grant Park Conservancy is a small nonprofit organization dedicated to the restoration, maintenance, and beautification of historic Grant Park. If you would like to support this and future projects, you can do so at:

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