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SAND Meeting Minutes – Thursday, August 8, 2024  

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm.  Opening remarks. A review of voting eligibility was presented. Approval of minutes from July meeting – The July meeting notes were approved without objection.

City/State/School/Other Elected Officials – 5 minutes per presenter

Andrew Lovett, Principal of Benteen Park Elementary provided an update on the activities at the school and ways for community engagement.

Patrick Husbands provided an update from Lilliana Bahktiaria’s office: 740 Moreland Avenue – Improvements at Bill Kennedy Way were reviewed.

Jason Winston updates: The City of Atlanta has officially purchased Red’s Farm.  The official name is “Red’s Farm Preserve.” Moreland Drive traffic calming devices and stop sign legislation has passed. PATH Foundation District 1 trail proposals are open for comment. Construction on BeltLine Segments 2,3,4 and 5 are underway and are scheduled to  be completed by late 2026.

Announcements – 5 minutes per item

Beautification/Treasurer – Progress update and Financial Agreement with Urban Farm Ormewood (UFO). An agreement for SAND to act as fiscal agent for Urban Farm in Ormewood, Inc. is moving forward and should be finalized in the near term.

Treasurer – 2024 Makers Festival funds distribution recommendations for consideration. Vote in September. Additional information on the various grant proposals was requested.  Additional specifics will be provided at the September meeting.

Transportation – Bill Kennedy ramp safety discussions. Tentative meeting in September. An update on the implementation of various safety improvements (both in the short-term and the long-term) was provided. Work with GA DOT, ATLDOT and the BeltLine are continuing.

Sign Toppers – CMG sign topper update on progress. The Custer/McDonough/Guice neighbors are continuing to have discussions on street sign topper designs.

Land Use and Zoning – Poll for Community Benefits Agreement suggestions for property stretching from Boulevard at Englewood Avenue to Custer Avenue near Benteen Park Drive.  Creation of a poll to solicit input was suggested, and the SAND leadership agreed to create and launch the poll to the community. Elections are coming! – Elections are coming for SAND and NPU-W. Let leadership know if you are interested in a position  even if it is currently filled. No position is a lifetime appointment!Matters for Voting: Z-24-15 – 1051 Moreland Drive /CDP-24-8 – Applicant Christian Olteanu for DR Horton. Applicant seeks to rezone existing R4 property to MR-2 and land use from single family residential to low density residential to allow for development of 53 for sale townhouse units. Amendment received 8/6 which incorporates 1109 Moreland Drive Parcel. Motion out of NPU-W LUZ is to deny. The recommendation from the NPU-W LUZ Committee was approved – 18 In Favor 6 Opposed and 2 Abstentions. V-24-136 – 1062 Shelby Place – Applicant Novella Tascoe. Applicant seeks a variance to reduce the east yard setback from 7 ft to 0 feet, 4 inches to construct a carport. Motion out of NPU-W LUZ is to deny.  The recommendation from NPU-W LUZ Committee to deny failed – 3 In Favor 7 Opposed 6 Abstentions.  A motion was made to support the application and passed – 9 In Favor 3 Opposed 6 Abstentions. Z-24-42 – 883 Dale Drive – Applicant Russell Moore. Applicant seeks rezoning from R-4 to R-4A in order to submit a minor subdivision for splitting of the lot to build 2 single family houses. Motion out of NPU LUZ is that LUZ does not concur with the general body recommendation and offers an alternative motion to defer with a request that the paper be held for one cycle of the zoning committee so that the applicant can reach out to adjoining neighbors and the application can be reheard at the September 3 Land Use and Zoning meeting. 

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