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SAND Meeting Minutes – Thursday, July 11, 2024

Welcome – 2 minutes. Opening remarks – The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm and voting requirements were reviewed with community members. Approval of minutes from June meeting (moved from end of meeting) – The meeting notes from the June 2024 meeting were approved without objection.

City/State/School/Other Elected Officials – 5 minutes per presenter

APD Update – Officer Godwin reported a modest decrease in overall crime. Burglaries in Zone 6 have increased in a material way. Please ensure any domestic support individuals have been properly vetted. Domestic violence continues to be a prime driver of crime.  

Lilliana Bahktiari’s Office – Patrick Husbands shared that the Fiscal 2025 budget, and the Recovery Fund related to the water outage in June were approved.

Nikema Williams’ Office – Jennifer Freeman shared she has been moved to full-time employment in Rep Williams’ office.  Significant funding has been allocated to Westside Park. Any ongoing issues with mail delivery should be shared with Nikema Williams’ office the online form on her website.

Announcements – 5 minutes per item

Beautification/Treasurer – Progress update and Financial Agreement with Urban Farm Ormewood (UFO) and vote for SAND UFO board representative nominee. A motion was made  to approve Rachel Rogers to be the SAND representative to the UFO Board. The motion was approved without objection.

Treasurer – 2024 Makers Festival performance report. Recommendations will be available for consideration in August,

Transportation-SMAWG meeting 7/10 update – Brent Huff provided an update on the SMAWG meeting regarding continuing improvements along Moreland Avenue.

Transportation – 1-20/Bill Kennedy Exit Ramp update. Meeting on June 17 report; Mike Gardner provided an update on the continuing improvements at the Bill Kennedy/I-20/Beltline intersection including recently installed rumble strips to help create awareness of the stoplight at that intersection.

Sign Toppers – CMG sign topper purchase and installation on hold pending a petition to change the neighborhood name. Decision needs to be made regarding the status of name change and sign topper installation.  A motion was made to allocate $350 in SAND funding to cover the cost of sign toppers for the 29 intersections in Custer-McDounogh-Guice, provided the neighborhood makes a decision on a design within 90 days (by October 9).  The motion passed without objection.  SAND further committed to funding the replacement of the sign toppers in Custer-McDonough-Guice if a formal name change for the neighborhood is approved by the City of Atlanta.

Land Use and Zoning – Z-24-15 for Moreland Drive SE has been deferred to the August cycle to incorporate changes from the purchase of 1109 Moreland Drive.  Z-24-22 for 1109 Moreland Drive has been removed for consideration by the original applicant. The applicant for the revised Z-24-15 – Christian Olteanu has requested a neighbors meeting in the 4th week of July to review the revised plan. Contact Steve Stuglin to get on the distribution list for that meeting.

Matters for Voting: Z-24-42 – 883 Dale Drive – Applicant Russell Moore for Dunn Homes. Applicant seeks to rezone existing R4 property to R4A to facilitate a minor subdivision.This application has not been heard by NPU-W Land Use and Zoning Committee and has no motion from that committee. A motion was made to approve the application, conditional on saving as many non DDH (Dead, Dying, or Hazardous) trees as possible. The motion was approved  without objection.
Matters for review and comment: Review of SRWA letter support status.  

Next SAND meeting – August 8. Reminder! NPU-W general body meeting is July 17 at 7:00pm.

Conclusions and closing remarks – 2 minutes. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10pm.

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