By Carlen Ruth Hultgren
The temperatures might have been in the 60’s on December 2, but it felt an awful lot like the holiday season in East Atlanta Village (EAV). The return of East Atlanta Santa and Christmas Tree Lighting in the Village was a fun time for all ages.
The day started at 11:00am at Village Fitness where families gathered for pictures with Santa. Kids were treated to hot cocoa and craft activities, sponsored by East Atlanta Parents Network (EAPN), while they waited their turn to be photographed with East Atlanta Santa. Vandreena Cotton Meeks provided the photo services, Santa’s throne was professionally decorated by Sarah Dyne Creative Services, and artist Jarett Beck did the EAV Santa background sign. All kindly offered their services to the event.
Special thanks to the sponsors Elizabeth Lootens with Atlanta Purus LLC, Cat Sisson with Bolst Real Estate, Big Daddy Biscuits, and Village Fitness. The event raised over $1000, and all proceeds will go towards a joint effort between East Atlanta Business Association (EABA) and Georgia Works’, to keep our Village clean.
Shortly after the last Santa picture was taken, the community gathered at the planter at Flat Shoals Avenue and Glenwood Avenue for the annual Christmas tree lighting and caroling.
On December 7, the Hanukkah Menorah Lighting commenced at the same planter in the Village and continued for the duration of the Festival of Lights. The menorah was lit around 6:00pm each evening with the traditional prayers. Neighbors and friends of all faiths joined the venerable ceremony which came to end on December 15, on the eighth day.