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November 7 Election Correction

By Paul Bolster

District 3 of the Atlanta School Board is a combination of District 5 and 6 City Council districts. That means our readers in East Atlanta and North Ormewood Park will have a chance to vote on November 7 on who they would like to represent them on the Atlanta Public School (APS) Board. Some readers probably knew that, but thanks to board member Katie Howard, we can correct the Porch Press mistake.

Most of the information in this article comes from the web sites of the two candidates. Neither candidate discloses a phone number.

Michelle Olympiatis has held this seat since 2018 and she asks for “one more term.” She has been engaged in APS policy since her three children entered Morningside Elementary. She has been the PTA President and has served on the Inman Governance Team and the Grady Cluster Advisory team. She is currently chair of the APS Budget Committee. She also currently serves on the board of the Georgia School Board Association, the board of Invest Atlanta, and other education-related organizations. 

Dr. Ken Zeff is the challenger. He has three children in APS schools and has held a number of professional positions focused on education policy. At one point in his career, he was a fellow in the White House and a senior advisor the U.S. Secretary of Education. He holds a doctoral degree in education from Georgia State University. He was the assistant to the Superintendent of the Fulton County School System for strategy and served as the Interim Superintendent while the board searched for a replacement. He has served on the Governor’s Education Reform Commission.

Their websites provide an opportunity to learn more. Visit and

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