By Carlen Ruth Hultgren

July has been a little quiet, but none the less, great month at East Atlanta Village (EAV) Farmers Market. Lots of soaking up the sun and sweat and looking forward to more families returning from vacation. But with the kids returning to school and families returning to their routines, also come exciting plans for the EAV Farmers market.
The first ever Tomato Day at Farmer’s Market will be August 25. There will be live music, chef demo with free samples, and fun for the kiddies. Vendors and pop-up chefs will have tomato-themed products and Katie might take out the “Spinny Wheel” for some giveaways.
On September 15, the Market will have its Fall Plant Sale, in partnership with Love is Love Farm. You’ll recognize Judith and Joe from the Spring and Fall plant sales of the past. As always, edible plant starts are SNAP-eligible, and with our Famer’s Market program, they are essentially 50% off the regular price at market.
The 13th annual Okra Day is planned for September 22, one of the biggest, most fun, and most popular days at EAV Farmers Market. The Farmer’s Market is excited to announce that the resident market chef Taylor will be bringing back the free fried okra that many market goers will remember from past years. Giveaways, live music, pop-up restaurants, and vendors serving okra-themed foods and products. Can we anticipate a return of the okra slime?
October plans are still in the works, but some of the returning favorites are Pumpkin Day, movie nights, and HalloweEAVn activities.
In November the annual Giving Thanks potluck, will return, in which anyone and everyone is invited to gather, eat, drink, and be merry at the final market of the season. More info to come.
And on a bittersweet note: Ronan Lewter, assistant manager of the EAV Farmers Market will be leaving his position, his last day, August 11. Ronan is close with a lot of people in the East Atlanta community and has been working at EAV Farmers Market for a long time. Huge thanks to Ronan and look forward to him popping up now and then in a volunteer position.