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Trump Tariffs Hit The Porch Press

By Henry Bryant

The Porch Press has already gotten a notice from our printer, a web press located near Atlanta in Georgia. Much of our paper in this country comes from the forests of Canada. The paper manufacturers are projecting that there will be an increase of up to 15 percent for the newsprint that we use. It is a cheap kind of paper, but the total amounts to as much as 50% of our cost to print this newspaper. Note that even so, the cost to mail it to you is still more and that money goes straight to the United States Post Office.

The Porch Press organization has been reorganizing for most of this past year in order to qualify for a reduced postal rate. We hope that this will happen in the next few months. If and when it does, it should put this company in good financial shape even with the increased tariff. Stay tuned and think good thoughts.

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