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Time to Support Your Local Library

By Carlen Ruth Hultgren
It’s time to renew your commitment to your local library branch, the East Atlanta Library. They can make many things happen, but only with your help. A Friends of East Atlanta Library (FEAL) membership helps provide funding for story time and other youth programs, the Summer Reading programs, books for collections, replacement of furniture, community workshops, local artist displays and receptions, staff supplies, and more. So renew, or get your first FEAL membership now.
Membership levels are affordable and tax deductible. An individual can join for $10, a family for $15. Signature level starts at $25. You can join or renew online.
FEAL is sponsoring its first book sale of the year on Saturday March 17, from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. Buy some books, support your local library, and then stay in the Village for a green beer at your favorite watering hole with your neighbors. The library is located at 400 Flat Shoals Avenue on the north end of East Atlanta Village. All books are $1 for paperback and $2 for hardback.
Check out or the Facebook page for more information about quarterly book sales, artists’ receptions, and other events.
(Membership is tax deductible as allowed by law. The Friends of East Atlanta Library is a 501(c)(3) organization.)

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