By Shannon Sanders

The Friends of the East Atlanta Library (FEAL) is excited for all of the upcoming possibilities we have in the coming year and going forward. They welcomed two new board members Lashanon Johnson and Brian Page, and returning board members include Constance Franklin, Lyn Hillman, Doug Kaye, Sheila Levy, Nancy Mullins, Shannon Sanders, and Beverly Turner and bid a warm goodbye to long term board member and treasurer, Dennis Burleson who served the library community for many years. All wish him well and know that he will continue supporting the efforts of FEAL.
In January, the board voted on the officers for 2024-2026. Shannon Sanders was voted in as President, Constance Franklin as Vice-President, Lashanon Johnson as Treasurer, and Nancy Mullins as Secretary. Much appreciation was extended to the current and past board members for the work they have done and continue to do in support of the local branch.
And in big news on the library front: FEAL was selected as a recipient of a $6,000 grant from The East Atlanta Strut. The Friends were thrilled by this award and are working with the board and branch manager on the best use of the funds for library patrons. With the youth librarian position still being unfilled for over a year now, this grant will help fill in some of the programming gaps this vacancy has left for young library patrons. Stay informed on the Facebook page on any news and upcoming events: @friendsofeastatlantalibrary.
Don’t miss the Book Sale Shelf for gently used books to support the East Atlanta branch, available during regular library hours. Select books to purchase, pay from your phone, and enjoy. Books are $3 for hardbacks and $2 for softbacks and all proceeds benefit the East Atlanta Library. Additional donations are always welcome.
All are invited to become a FEAL member at Membership is tax deductible, and all proceeds directly support the East Atlanta branch. For all of the events and happenings at the East Atlanta Library, please follow the Facebook page:
@friendsofeastatlantalibrary or visit