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Tell the Strut What YOU Think

By Michelle Rice

This year’s East Atlanta Strut will be on Saturday, September 28 from 12:00pm until 6:00pm, and the Strut is planning to expand the footprint to include Brownwood Park, which is undergoing some great improvements. Strut organizers would love to have neighborhood feedback on this plan. 

The map, printed here, shows this year’s proposed footprint, which includes street closures similar to pre-Covid Struts. The parade will go down Glenwood Avenue from Patterson Avenue to Moreland Avenue starting at noon. After that, much of Flat Shoals and Glenwood, in the business district will remain closed until 6:00pm. There will be activities in the street, and a limited number of booths for sponsors. 

There also will be activities in Brownwood Park, including the post-parade Battle of the Bands, and other live music, plus drinks and food vendors. Vendor markets will be located in the Southern Feedstore parking lot, on Portland Avenue, and on Metropolitan Avenue. 

Tell the Strut what you think via email to or by texting ‪404-479-1692. The Strut also welcomes volunteers to help with planning. 

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