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Sex, Intimacy, and Chronic Illness

by S. Turner
Intimacy with a partner is a special part of a relationship, but when you have a chronic illness, there often are adjustments that need to be made. Running simple errands, such as going to the grocery store, can cause pain or fatigue. The thought of sexual activity can feel like just another crippling chore. You may feel a sense of physical and emotional distance from your partner when you are not able to be intimate with him or her. This can compound the depression that often comes with chronic disease.
However, there are ways to feel and show love to your partner, no matter your condition! You can create a “new normal” together through communication, planning, and setting boundaries. The Filling Station Chronic Illness Support Group will be hosting a guest speaker from the Care and Counseling Center of Georgia to discuss sex, intimacy, and chronic illness on Wednesday, March 16, from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at Park Avenue Baptist Church (PABC), located at 486 Park Ave. on the corner of Sydney Street. PABC has kindly offered their space for these monthly support group meetings.
Whether you are chronically ill or the partner to someone who is, The Filling Station invites you to attend this free discussion to learn more about how to improve your daily life! Please contact the group at for questions or to find out more information.

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