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Run Before You Crawl 5K Benefits East Atlanta’s Neighbor in Need Initiative

By Marc Takacs
The annual Run Before you Crawl 5K may have switched locations from the East Atlanta Village to Grant Park, but the organizing board is still a great supporter of initiatives in the Village.  They recently granted $4,500 to Neighbor in Need to help them continue their work keeping long time needy residents in their homes in the East Atlanta Village by providing emergency home repairs.
The recent recession has hit the senior community hard and many had to defer necessary maintenance to their homes while paying for food and medicine.  Neighbor in Need has stepped in to fill this gap by repairing or replacing multiple roofs, fixing plumbing issues, getting HVAC systems running, and generally making many seniors’ homes safe and livable while preventing another blighted property from dragging the neighborhood down.
Neighbor In Need is primarily supported by donations, grants, and fundraisers within the local community.  Besides the Run Before You Crawl event, past supporters have included the East Atlanta Foundation with proceeds from the East Atlanta Beer Festival, Poker Tournament Fundraisers, and Pumpkin Sales. Many individuals and businesses have also contributed to the work.  Local contractors like Bell Roofing and Fire and Ice HVAC also provide discounted services to the organization that allows them to help many more homeowners.  The Neighbor in Need volunteers and the seniors they assist want to give a heartfelt thanks to all those who have donated time, talent, and resources.  Check out the Facebook page for new projects and initiatives:

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