By Alex Levy
Brownwood Park. Photo by Alex Levy Brownwood Park Map Image courtesy of Trees Atlanta
The East Atlanta Community Association’s (EACA) Parks and Greenspace Committee is continuing to partner with Trees Atlanta in 2019 to restore a healthy forest ecosystem in Brownwood Park. Neighbors and volunteers with Trees Atlanta’s Greenspace Guardians will meet the first Saturday of each month from 9:00am to 12:00pm at the park. Forest restoration projects are taking place in densely vegetated areas. There are bugs and dirt, so volunteers are asked to plan accordingly. Long sleeves, long pants, and closed-toe shoes are a must. Projects include removal of exotic invasive plants and replanting with native species. Tools, gloves, and instruction for these projects will be provided, but volunteers are welcome to bring their own tools as well.
To volunteer with EACA, show up at the park entrance on Pendleton Street (across from the tennis courts), or register by visiting Trees Atlanta has created an interactive map that summarizes the restoration work done by Trees Atlanta and volunteers during the past three months in Brownwood Park. The hope is that this tool will help inform the community about the work being done, as well as provide a bit of education about why restoration work is important. Check back regularly for updates at
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