By Steve Carr, Environmental Advocate
Please be aware of the following updates.
Most of the calcium carbonate (lime) was removed from the former Hamilton Avenue acetylene manufacturing facility before beginning the construction of The Penman multi-family apartments on the site.
Regarding the Peoplestown stormwater/combined sewer capacity relief storage vault with a proposed above-ground park between Ormond Street and Alanta Avenue (one block west of Grant Park), there are no updates on the next design meeting that is to be held at the Obama Academy on Martin Street. The proposed twenty-million-gallon City of Atlanta facility is supposed to mitigate illegal flooding of combined sewage in Grant Park and downstream to the Custer Avenue CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) facility, to Intrenchement Creek, and further into the South River.
The landfill excavation at United Avenue and Avondale is not complete but is being covered with methane ventilation prior to future townhomes and apartments being built. The Georgia EPD (Environmental Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources) has not given a report in at least two years. Your soil samples can be laboratory analyzed for unhealthy airborne particulates. For more information, call Steve at 678-886-8666.
Lab reports have been requested from Georgia Open Records Atlanta regarding “Forever Chemicals” (PFAS) in City of Atlanta potable water. This is a national and global health issue. Municipal drinking water and distilled water have federal standards, yet retail distilled water only comes in plastic containers.
Regarding parks and greenspace, the committee would like any info on any undevelopable land tha could be converted to a pocket park or “beauty spot.” All ideas are welcome. Contact Steve for more information at 678-886-8666.