By Henry Bryant

Brownwood Park is home to two new Champion Trees: a Blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica) and an American Sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) down by the river creek path in the south end of the park. Trees Atlanta hosts a monthly Forest Restoration project in Brownwood Park. All are invited to volunteer on the first Saturday of the month to help restore the forest ecosystem of this great neighborhood park and visit these new Champs.
Champion trees are the super-sized superstars of their species. Blessed by a “perfect storm” of superb growing conditions, resilience to hazards, and perhaps a bit of luck, these tree VIP’s show what’s possible when everything goes just right in nature.
Around the world, efforts are ongoing to locate the largest trees of each species wherever they grow. In the United States, American Forests National Big Tree Programhas maintained a national register of American champion trees since 1940, which currently lists over 750.
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