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MJHS Valedictorian Speech

By Liam Smith

I stand before you today as your valedictorian to announce that the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire!

I’ve always wanted to say that in front of a crowd, I’m ticking off one of my life goals right now. In all seriousness, congrats y’all. We did a thing. We’ve won the first great battle of our lives and now we’re moving on and ever onward. I hate to cite Bojack Horseman, but most of life is spent sinking, losing, falling behind as time’s arrow inevitably marches forward. But there are moments, victories, where we rise above and we bask in the glory of it all as if we are Light itself. This is certainly one of them. There will always be more. Remember that.

Even when you’re lying shattered, staring at the ceiling, listening to a Pitbull song on repeat, remember that you have to keep fighting for those moments of glory. Fight like you have no choice but to leave that state of depression, even if the Pitbull song in question is Timber ft. Ke$ha. I love and support Ke$ha wholeheartedly; don’t get me wrong, but at some point with any Mr. Worldwide, enough is enough. Just listen to Bjork or Arca or new Ke$ha – her Gag Order album is magnificent.

Anyways, just remember that it’s never forever and that there’s more to life than this, there really is more to life than this. Whatever the struggle, it’s but an echo, a stain and you will prevail.

Unite tonight, stand straight and carry on and ever onwards y’all. It’s been real.

Glory, glory, hallelujah! We are marching on!


Liam Smith

Smith is the valedictorian of the Maynard Jackson High School class of 2024.

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