By Jaime Arnall
Atlanta-based studio, Dance 411, is the subject of a new reality show on TLC, titled “Dance Kids ATL.” The pilot episode aired on Wednesday, July 24 and showcases dancers under the age of 16. Full of hard work and tough moves, the show focuses on dance coach Tracey Berry and celebrity choreographer Sean Bankhead, who teach not only dance skills but also life lessons along the way.
Carly Olson, one of the kids featured on the show, has enjoyed the process, calling it the “most exciting thing.”
“I loved working with Sean and Tracy and all the kids at Dance 411. The production crew made the whole experience so much fun for all of us. We are like one big family,” said Olson.
These kids are hoping for more than just the spotlight. Young dancer, Donielle “DD” Hansley, has hopes that the show will help make a difference in the world. “It makes me feel good, because if people watch the show, I could inspire a lot of people around the world,” said Hansley.
Dance 411 Studios is located at 475 Moreland Avenue. For more information, please visit or call 404-622-4110.
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