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Kale Fest at EAV Farmers Market

By Alex Lampert
The East Atlanta Village Farmers Market (EAVFM) will host a fall festival celebrating the versatile vegetable that has gained so much popular acclaim in recent years. No longer the unwanted garnish on the side of the plate, kale has made its way into the contemporary cultural zeitgeist with a myriad of culinary applications.
Kale Fest will take place on October 1 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm during the regular EAVFM and at the height of the harvest season. A community recipe contest will be held, judged by local celebrity chefs in categories of Most Innovative, Classic Kale and Quick and Easy Recipes. Bartender Tim Frost will mix kale-inspired drinks in a cocktail demonstration. Special children’s activities, such as pin the kale on the donkey will be offered. The evening will culminate in the crowning of a Kale King and Queen.
The EAVFM has been a leader in the good food movement in Atlanta. It has served as a safe community gathering space for the past decade, and with recent renovation efforts, the previous gravel lot has become a grassy community park with an edible learning garden. It was the first farmers market in the state of Georgia to accept SNAP benefits (aka Food Stamps), and the first market in the state to double the value of SNAP at market, making fresh, healthy food more accessible to families in the surrounding communities. Through events like Kale Fest, Community Farmers Markets, the umbrella organization that operates EAVFM, celebrates healthy living and sustainable local agriculture.
The recipe contest form is found at

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