By Robert M. Sarwark
Calling all pets of Grant Park, the SAND neighborhoods, and East Atlanta! We want YOU for a new feature in this newspaper.
The Pooch Press invites all notable dogs, cats, and any other non-human friends and associates to submit their stories, skills, and photos for publication to gpeditor@theporchpress.com.
To start things out, here’s The Porch Press’ new intern, Ziggy Christopher “Zignacho” Manci-Sarwark, hard at work assisting our publisher and co-founder Henry Bryant with production of the May issue.
Ziggy is a two-year-old beagle/coonhound mix who was adopted from Atlanta Beagle Rescue in June 2022. He resides with his two humans, current GPNA president Catherine W. Manci and the present author, in Grant Park. In addition to his journalistic talents, Ziggy’s impressive repertoire includes “sit,” “down,” “stay,” “go,” “shake,” “speak,” “crate,” “place,” “go to bed,” “cuddle,” and others currently in progress.
“That’s a dogged reporter if ever I saw one!” remarked Ormewood Park resident Sylvia Davis, upon learning of Ziggy’s prodigious skill set. “He knows how to get the (poop) scoop. In fact, that young newshound has such a nose for news that he’ll probably win a Puplitzer Prize.”
We look forward to reading your submissions.