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Grant Park’s Loomis Plaza Now Officially Open

By Robert M. Sarwark

The latest amenity to Atlanta’s oldest public park is now fully completed and ready for visitors. Loomis Plaza, at the intersection of Sydney Street and Loomis Avenue at the northernmost point of Grant Park, was officially inaugurated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the morning of Saturday, April 20. 

The hard- and landscaping project, which broke ground last July and reportedly cost over $300,000, was funded in large part by Park Pride, along with major contributions from Bank of America and Georgia Pacific. Other contributors included the Atlanta Foundation, the Grant Park Neighborhood Association, Walmart, and various fundraising events such as the Grant Park Conservancy’s annual Canopy Soirée and the Summer Shade Festival. 

Interviewed at the ribbon-cutting event, Grant Park Conservancy (GPC) director Michelle Blackmon voiced optimism for the potential of the new space. “I hope to see what we saw today: the community coming together, using it as a place of celebration, as a place of memory-making,” she said. “I hope to see the community continuing to support us as [Loomis Plaza] grows and we get in our native plant gardens.”

Joining Blackmon at the event were District 1 City Council Member Jason Winston, various City of Atlanta representatives, as well as members of the GPC Board of Directors. An atmosphere of community spirit was undeniable as neighbors, young children, and even dogs enjoyed each other’s company long after all speeches were made and the ceremonial ribbon was cut. 

“Come out to the intersection of Loomis and Sydney and enjoy the new plaza and picnic area,” Blackmon reiterated. “And check out our website to learn more about the projects we’re doing:” 

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