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GPNA Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Call to Order–7:30pm.

President’s Introduction. Candidates for GPNA 2025 Steering Committee Elections – Neighbors voted via a Google form ballot during the meeting. We received 18 votes, and all officers were elected into their positions. Thank you to everyone who is stepping up to lead in 2025! President – Robert Selby; Vice President – Troy Bell; Treasurer – Travis Peterman; Secretary – Lynn Lamousin; Public Safety Chair – Loyal Charles; Technology and Communication Chair – Ariel Jordan; Homes and History Chair – John Sitton; Land Use and Zoning Chair – Sky Hassan.

Treasure’s Update: Monthly Income Statement & Balance Sheet. Filming has picked up back in the neighborhood, so GPNA is seeing more community impact fees from the filming crews.

Public Official Update: Shad Rembert joined on behalf of Council Member Jason Winston’s office. He provided a few updates. ATL DOT South Boulevard timeline has an estimated construction start date Spring 2025. Everything should be final in early 2025 and there will likely be another public meeting scheduled around that time. PAD has a renewed contract for next two years. Council Member Winston’s office held a successful diaper drive last week and will hold another on December 6, with more details to follow. There hasn’t been an update on the Savi Provisions opening at the Gateway since June; Shad stated he’ll look into an update to provide to the community. There hasn’t been another public meeting date confirmed for the Peoplestown shared sewage project.

Item One – Public Safety: APD Zone 6 & Fire Station 10 Update.

Committee Updates: Approved spending $150 for three gift cards for AFR Station 10. By doing three gift cards, we can provide a gift card for each shift. A motion was passed to approve the purchase of the gift cards. A neighbor raised a question about lease laws in the park. There is no dog park in Grant Park and anyone that sees someone not abiding by leash laws has been instructed to call 9-1-1 to report it.

Item Two – Transportation Committee Updates: If anyone is interested in helping with the Transportation Committee in 2025, email Steve Carr contributed to the transportation discussion, highlighting an interest in getting local public schools more engaged in transportation conversations with upcoming biking projects, Complete Streets, etc.

Item Three – Land Use & Zoning (LUZ) Committee Updates: The next Zoning 2.0 meeting and Module 2 release date is December 4; the new module highlights drive-thrus, parking, spacing, asphalt requirements and more. 2025 Atlanta Comprehensive Development Plan – Next meeting is about transportation and takes place December 16.

Community Items/Environmental Updates (Steve Carr): Steve shared details on two issues that impact Grant Park: Combined sewage vault built in Peoplestown. This is an issue when there’s a significant rain event. Steve encourages neighbors to attend any and all meetings. The landfill at the intersection of United and Avondale has been excavated for the last year and a half and a neighbor has raised concerns about harmful particulate matter. Steve has discussed this matter with several academics and there will be an article coming out in The Porch Press highlighting soil analysis.

Grant Park Conservancy Update: The organization provided slides with updates, including the Southeast Quadrant restoration project and Abana Courtyard. For more information or options to get involved, go to

There’s a survey available on the upcoming Atlanta Beltline transit. Interested neighbors are encouraged to fill it out and ask for additional stops in southeast Atlanta. More information can be found at

Approval of the October minutes. New business.

Adjournment – 8:30pm.

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