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GPNA Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Call to Order – 7:30pm.

President’s Introduction. 2024 Steering Committee & Porch Press Appointment Confirmation Slate; motion to confirm the slate passed without any opposition. Appointment Confirmation, Robert Selby, Treasurer. Appointment Confirmation, Kristin Lunsford, Porch Press Grant Park Representative. 2024 Steering Committee Vacancies: Fundraising Chair, 

Transportation Chair, Philanthropic Chair.

Zoo Update – Demolition of old Reptile House week of April 15. Community meeting being planned by Zoo Atlanta regarding: Providing an update on the Animal Hospital construction project; Presenting landscaping plans for Atlanta Avenue; Sharing detailed plans for the demolition of the old reptile house; Discussing potential disruptions to the neighborhood and outlining mitigation measures; Addressing safety concerns and detailing precautions for the community (e.g., sidewalk closings, trucks, noise, dust, and debris containment); Offering an opportunity for community leaders and neighbors to voice any concerns or ask questions regarding the project. If you’re interested in attending the meeting but aren’t an immediate Atlanta Avenue resident, email Phill Kelly at

Financial Update. Public Official Update. Parks & Rec March 2024 Update.

Natalie Hall with the Board of Commissioners attended to share updates. Oakhill Child & Adolescent Center – Natalie Hall has an office there and is available Tuesdays-Thursdays 8:30am-5:30pm. Fulton County Youth & Community Services Division – 404-613-6759, or via email at Youth Commissioners Program – 9th and 11th graders are eligible; more information can be found at or Senior Beltline Tour upcoming dates: June 14 10:00am-2:00pm, September 20 10:00am-2:00pm, December 6 10:00am-2:00pm. Any questions for D4 can be directed to or 404-612-8226.

Committee Updates

Item One – Public Safety: APD Zone 6 & Fire Station 10 Update. Lt. Fanning, Zone 6 Morning Watch Commander, attended to share an update. Larcenies from autos are down today compared to last year. There is a new larceny from auto detail going around the Boulevard area and other hot spots during spring break to mitigate crime. Lt. Fanning can be reached at or 470-305-8541. Event Applications & Votes (Applications found in NPU-W Google drive). 5/25-5/27: Atlanta Jazz Festival – Approved by NPU-W body; Application approved without any opposition. 5/25: Atlanta Dessert Festival – Approved conditional upon approval by GPNA; A vote was held after discussion on the site plan. The motion to recommend approval was approved based on the vote: 15 yes, 1 no. 6/8: Black Ass Cookout – Approved conditional upon approval by GPNA; A vote was held after discussion on the event name. The motion to recommend approval was approved based on the vote: 12 yes, 5 no. Previously Approved Events – 4/18-4/21, 4/25-4/28: Illumine 2024, Oakland Cemetery. 4/27: Run Like Wild 5K in Grant Park and at the Zoo, GigiFIT Acceptance Challenge in Grant Park. 4/27: Move for Grady Bike Ride (Cherokee Avenue, Sydney Street to Georgia Avenue). Deferred: Daybreak – Deferred for now because there were too many questions regarding the application. Any updates will be shared by GPNA as available.

Item Two – Transportation: Boulevard Complete Streets Stakeholder Meeting Update – Expecting one more stakeholder meeting in May, and then a summer public meeting, where the design they’re proposing to be implemented will be presented. Instead of Cherokee style bike lanes, the team is  presenting 1 lane on each side of the street. GPNA is requesting a copy of the design in a digital format so the community has time to review the design and assess specific suggestions by the public meeting. More to share soon. Public event to discuss BeltLine Safety at Bill Kennedy Way at  I-20 Off-Ramp. 2nd Community Meeting: Wednesday, April 10 at 11:30am. RSVP for link or meeting location to neighbor/organizer Ken Boff:

Item Three – LUZ: Withdrawn: U-24-2 AKA 1015-B Grant Street. (Bonus Family Garage). Comprehensive Development Plan Community Input Process – Open house meeting info found here; NPU-W workshop TBD. City Ordinance Vote: Z-24-12 – The proposal from Andrea Boone (District 10) is to waive parts of the city’s sign requirements and allow security cameras to be integrated into the suspended signs. NPU-W will take it up for consideration at next week’s meeting. Why: It is the desire of the Atlanta City Council for all gas stations and convenience stores connected to gas stations to install a surveillance camera at each pump. In accordance with this goal, to help offset costs a businesses may incur related to the installation of surveillance cameras, it is the desire of the Atlanta City Council to amend its Sign Ordinance to allow security video technology to be integrated with suspended signs which could potentially be utilized dually to generate revenue to offset the cost to the business of the installation of security cameras. A motion to defer or deny was moved forward. if the city doesn’t provide more clarification around when footage would be deleted, etc. the defer would turn into a denial. The motion passed unanimously. 23-O-1520/Z-23-87 – Withdrawn. City Ordinance to require a Special Use Permit when constructing a single-family dwelling with fewer than 750 sq ft, that is used as a primary structure

Approval of the February Minutes. New Business.

Adjournment – 8:30pm.

GPNA Officers and Steering Committee – Online Directory: Visit www. HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” for committee meetings and Zoom links.

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