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GPNA Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Call to Order–7:30pm. President’s Introduction. 2024 Steering Committee Vacancies – Fundraising, Transportation, and Philanthropic Chairs. We have some preliminary interest for the Transportation Chair. Anyone interested in helping or volunteering for the other positions can reach out to Phill Kelly at

Grant Park Gatherings – Former President Catherine Manci is interested in running upcoming Grant Park neighborhood gatherings. These will be proposed in the upcoming budget vote. We’re likely looking at two gatherings this year. Neighborhood Leadership Gathering on Thursday. Grant Park Gateway Leased to Savi Provisions – Timeline is TBD. Summer Childcare Survey.

Economic Development Chair: Thank you to Nate for all of his work over the past couple years. If anyone is interested in filling this role, please contact Phill at

Custer Combined Water Sewage in Peoplestown : This is a block that’s been cleared and will be a park and underground containment. There was a meeting scheduled for last week, but was postponed. More information on the capacity relief project can be found here.

Treasurer’s Update: Monthly income statement and balance sheet.

Storage Unit Visit (photos found here): GPNA’s biggest ongoing expense is the storage unit. The intent is to scan and archive any documents and find new owners for the items in the unit. Additional artifacts are related to past Tour of Homes events. More information will be shared in the next meeting.

2024 Budget Introduction: This will go out in the next newsletter for broader review as well. 

Public Official Update: Michael Ulmer attended on behalf of Councilmember Jason Winston’s office. Monday’s meeting voted to approve $7.5M in relief funds for small business owners. 

Michael can be contacted at, 404-330-6039 (office), or 770-689-7810 (cell).

Item One – Public Safety: APD Zone 6 & Fire Station 10 update. Turkessa Simmons confirmed the Talia’s Heart 5K Walk event was dropped from a 5K to a 3K. The committee recommendation for approval was passed. 

Item Two – Transportation Committee Updates: Boulevard Complete Street 6/13 Meeting Summary. The main two requests we’ve heard from neighbors have been removing the turn lane on Mead St. and adding a turn lane on United near the Gateway. We’ve also heard a desire for more protection for bikers. The Atlanta E-Bike Rebate Lottery is open 6/16-6/23, Bill Kennedy I-20 Off-Ramp 6/17 Meeting Summary – There was a meeting to make things safer at this intersection. GPNA did not attend, but will share additional updates via the newsletter.

Item Three – Land Use & Zoning (LUZ) Committee Updates: CDP and Zoning 2.0 are both moving forward. The engagement process is continuing through the rest of the year and into next year. They released the first Zoning 2.0 module for review in late May. The draft can be accessed and reviewed at There will be a meeting July 9 on Zoom. Information about the CDP project can be found at 683 Hill Street – Homeowners are requesting a minor subdivision application to split the lot in two to put an additional home on it. This has been sent to the NPU by the city.

Item Four – Legacy Committee: MEDICI Urgent Care Free Services for Unhoused Population – Every first Saturday.

NPU-W will meet the third Wednesday of the month starting in July.

Approval of the May Minutes. New Business.

Adjournment – 8:30pm.

GPNA Officers and Steering Committee – Online Directory: Visit for committee meetings and Zoom links.

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