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GPNA Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Call to Order–7:30pm. Approval of December minutes. President’s introduction: The Transportation Committee Chair was brought up for a vote. James Austin was voted into the position. Treasure’s update: Monthly income statement & balance sheet.

Item One – Public Safety Update: Zone 6 Leaders Meeting was January 8. GPNA was briefed on key points by Public Safety Chair, Loyal Charles. 4th quarter Zone 6 crime numbers (compared to 4th quarter 2023): 7% overall crime decrease; 30% fewer homicides; 26% less vehicle crime (stolen); 15% fewer auto break-ins; Working to clear camps under bridges. Most security at new training center shifted to a private company to free up officers. Still short about 10-12 officers in Zone 6. Two ownership changes to alcohol licenses: Emmy Squared – approved. Ollie’s – deferred (miscommunication, Ollie’s was not in attendance). Shared that AFFR were given their gift cards.

Item Two – Land Use & Zoning (LUZ): Land Use & Zoning Chair, Sky Hassan, provided updates on ATL Zoning 2.0 which is moving along and focuses on parking. Module 3 will focus on administration and is scheduled to drop on Feb 3rd. Consultants are looking to send the final draft for review this summer. Historic districts should not be affected. More information about zoning drafts and meetings can be found at Resident Steve Carr inquired about the Savi Market at Gateway Park. Various GPNA attendees commented on their understanding of where that project stood. There is no updated official information to any attendees knowledge.

Community Items

NPU-W Updates: Anyone interested in the open Vice Chair position or in learning more can email Sky Hassan at

Environmental & Community Updates: Resident Steve Carr discussed the sewer capacity vault in Peoplestown. Carr also shared information on the landfill excavation and remediation at the corner of United and Avondale. Various GPNA attendees commented on the project, and shared  information on their understanding of the development progress.

New Business

2025 Operating Budget: The budget covers GPNA recurring expenses (no new projects/donations included yet). The total FY25 projected expenses is $12,830. Allows us to operate smoothly while we consider cost savings or additions later.

The budget was reviewed and approved. There was discussion about the Storage Unit line item. GPNA leadership shared that they are open to finding a cost-effective alternative.

Grant Park Spring 2025 Planting Proposal: Leanna Cherrette with Trees Atlanta  joined to share the Grant Park Spring 2025 Planting Proposal – a tree planting proposal for this spring.  Neighbors can sign up to volunteer for the United/Delmar Ave planting here. The Ormond-Grant Park planting is not yet posted.  Any question or comments can be emailed to

Open Floor: Any new business?  A discussion about Complete Streets was started. GPNA President Robert Selby said a meeting is scheduled at the end of January where updated information should be provided. Any applicable information will then be shared at the GPNA February general meeting.

Adjournment – 8:21pm.

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