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GPNA Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Call to Order – 7:30pm.

President’s Introduction: President Kelly reminded the body of the 2024 Steering Committee Vacancies: Fundraising Chair, Transportation Chair, & Philanthropic Chair.

Grant Park Conservancy update by Phill Kelly: The Loomis Plaza Ribbon-Cutting is at 11:00am on April 20.

Zoo Update by Robert Selby: Key points were presented by Eric Hall, VP of Construction at the zoo’s presentation regarding updates on the new animal hospital and the demolition of the old reptile building. Construction of the hospital is currently 70% complete (began April 1, 2023), with an anticipated completion by mid to late July. It is described as a state-of-the-art facility that will be a game changer for the zoo, greatly reducing the need for animal transport. A design change is underway for the gray exhaust vent to lower it 10 feet from 23 to 13 feet and move it to the left and tucked away behind the building. Approximately 60 trees will be planted around the facility. The reptile building, condemned for several years and having undergone asbestos control, will be fully demolished, leaving only the concrete slab. The short-term plan is to leave the slab as it is. Stormwater management and a fence will be put in around the slab. The demolition is set to start on April 15, with the process taking two weeks and the full project expected to last six weeks. Access will be through gate A3, with no impact expected outside of the gate. Fresh asphalt will be laid down to Atlanta Avenue next week coming out of gate A2. The plan for the fence line on Atlanta Avenue includes container plant material and an evergreen screen to add wildlife value. A grass strip will be placed between the sidewalk and the plant zone. Stump grinding is part of the scope, which covers the zoo’s frontage (fenced area). The project is set to start in mid-April. Although actively being designed and priced, there’s a commitment to execute with the worst-case scenario being planting in the fall due to the approaching deadline for getting plants in the ground.

Treasurer’s Update by Robert Selby: expense and revenue are low, 5 sunbursts sold in the past month, the steering committee requests $7,500 for sunburst orders to replenish the supply . The vote to spend $7,500 passed unanimously. 

Public Official Update: Jennifer Freeman from Congresswoman Nikema William’s office gave an update. She asks that anyone who has had issues with the Post Office to email her and let her know. For questions, suggestions, and feedback, feel free to contact her at Jennifer Freeman, Constituent Outreach Representative, U.S. Congresswoman Nikema Williams’ Office Congressional District 5. Her office phone is: 404-659-0116, mobile: 404-623-5453; email is If you aren’t subscribed yet or want to receive email updates, find out what committees the Congresswoman serves on, or request help with a federal agency, visit the Congresswoman’s official site at Harmoni Brangman from Commissioner Hall’s Office presented that everyone is welcome to come and speak at the public comment sessions. She can be contacted at or 404-612-8226. She shared that they’re seeking 9th-11th grade students to serve as youth commissioners to advocate for youth issues. The Fulton County Behavior Health Crisis Center is underway for people experiencing mental health crises. 

Item One – Public Safety: APD Zone 6 & Fire Station 10 Update. Lt. Fanning from Zone 6 asked for community feedback or concerns. He asks that people report any loitering at gas stations due to an uptick in shootings. Loyal Charles reports that Major Webster reports that crime is down in our district and that APD is giving away clubs for Kia and Hyundai owners. A change of ownership application with the BP on Boulevard has been approved through the NPU Public Safety committee, and this will go to the NPU-W body. The motion from the committee was to approve, and the motion passed unanimously. Ezra Allenye presented a permit application for an event titled the House Heads Picnic hosted in Grant Park every year, the NPU voted to defer the application due to questions, the vote will occur at GPNA in May. The main concern was originally about alcohol sales in the original application, but that has been taken out to keep it more community-based. Previously approved events – Illumine 2024: Oakland Cemetery (4/18-4/21, 4/25-4/28); 4/27: Run Like Wild 5K in Grant Park and at the Zoo, GigiFIT Acceptance Challenge in Grant Park; 4/27: Move for Grady Bike Ride (Cherokee Avenue, Sydney Street to Georgia Avenue).

Item Two – Transportation: Sky Hassan presented updates on the Bill Kennedy Way Beltline Safety vs. I-20 Off Ramp: GDOT was given six weeks to give tangible proposals of things that can be done to improve safety. Concrete barricades will have reflective chevrons painted on. 

The signal will be changed to have left and right arrows for amber and green and red will be standard. Rumble strips will be added as a physical way to slow down cars. Concrete barriers that are damaged will be replaced and barricades will be linked together. If feasible, the signage on the ramp will be enlarged. The goal is that this section of the Beltline is temporary and the BeltLine will eventually have its own bridge over I-20. Phill Kelly presented an update that the Boulevard Complete Streets stakeholder meeting is planned for May.

Item Three – Land Use & Zoning (LUZ): Sky Hassan presented about the U-24-13 (449 Broyles St) on GPLUZ Agenda for April 25 meeting. A currently active private school now requires a special use permit. Atlanta Zoning 2.0 Draft is declared ready for review. New public input/review meetings begin with May 20 meeting at the Habitat For Humanity administration building in Reynoldstown. Go to for details.

Item Four – Economic: Nate Cook presented that he has reached out to Horizon Running about a Fall Grant Park Neighborhood 5K race, but there are no major updates until we can lock in a date.

March minutes are approved as distributed.

Adjournment – 8:30pm.

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