By Lyn Hillman

The board members of Friends of East Atlanta Library (FEAL) invited the public to attend its annual meeting on December 4.
Branch Manager Terra Cribbs began the evening by thanking the board for their support and discussing ways in which the library serves the community with its programming. After board President Constance Franklin welcomed attendees, Vice President Shannon Sanders shared the group’s accomplishments during the past year, including running a book club that was started last year and raising funds for childrens’ reading programs and senior fitness classes. The other board members then introduced themselves to the audience. The board voted on the slate of members for the coming year. The board provided a full table of refreshments for everyone to enjoy. Kayla & Steve’s Jazzy Little Duo provided musical entertainment during the event, including some jazzy renditions of classic Christmas songs.
Two new board members were announced. The group is looking forward to continued success in 2024.