Call To Order / December 10, 2024, Meeting Minutes approved without dissent. December 2024, Treasurer Report approved without dissent.
Public Safety Update
Zone 6 Update, Lt. Robert Godwin, Crime has dropped, according to month-to-month stats, including a 15 percent drop in theft from vehicles and auto theft. He checked Metropolitan Place and Haas after hearing about vandalizing cars at last month’s meeting. He saw evidence of broken car windows but couldn’t find police reports. One meeting attendee says her neighbor has reported. Comment from attendee: Since several drug busts were made, Village cameras show the drug dealing at night has diminished. Q: Rape reported in East Atlanta last week. Any more info? Do people need to be concerned. A: The victim knew the offender.
Elected Officials’ Reports
Council Member Bakhtiari’s Office: Update from Patrick Husbands. Bakhtiari is on the same council committees as last year. Lawsuit filed by families that were annexed into Atlanta but weren’t allowed to join Atlanta schools has ended with a decision that annexed households can join the city school district. If you are having any watershed issues, please let the council member’s office know. Q: How is it determined what impact homes applying to be annexed will have on the local school? A: A lot of annexations were put on hold because of the lawsuits. Now it will be up to the school board to figure out how to deal with the additional students. Some other services like water and trash can be complicated, but the city is dealing with it. The city doesn’t seek to annex anyone, but it allows most people who want to join the city to be annexed. Q: How can a streetlight be installed at the problem corner of Metropolitan Place and Haas discussed earlier. A: That area is supposed to have cameras coming. They once were able to get a light installed on a new street, but other requests have not been successful.
Public Safety Update
Liquor License Application: LaMont Russell of Hippin Hops Brewpub and Oyster Bar. Application for Change of Ownership (i.e., the establishment already has a liquor license but is changing ownership) They are changing the license to a restaurant license, because the new owner wants to focus more on food. EACA voted without dissension to recommend approval of the new license.
Park Ranger Francis with the Department of Parks and Recreation introduced himself. Q: What are his duties? A: He patrols the park each night. He’s responsible for making sure people are following park rules, not sleeping in the park, etc. Q: Is there a way for the community to contact the rangers? A: Contact his boss, Deputy Chief Derrick Doyle 770-767-1759.
Transportation – Zach Kosub (See meeting recording for more info in slide presentation).
South Moreland Avenur Working Group (SMAWG) : The SMAWG working group met on Wednesday, January 8 to discuss key Moreland Avenue Projects. Please find the link for a summary on the meeting recording of key discussion points including the I-20/Moreland Avenue Interchange project launching this spring, Moreland Avenue. sidewalks, and more. Q: What are the blocked off areas in the Village? A: Nate says these are bike parking areas installed by the Atlanta Department of Transportation. The one on Gresham was placed in a no-car-parking area. Q: Isn’t it a waste of money to replace the Moreland Avenue signs since they’ll just be knocked down again? A: It’s a safety issue. MARTA expanding bus service. MARTA will be increasing the frequency of bus stops in East Atlanta. Gresham Avenue, The Transportation Committee is exploring options to improve safety and mobility at Gresham Avenue and Glenwood Avenue. Currently the area is often clogged with cars trying to turn onto Glenwood and onto Gresham. Blind spots make it very dangerous. A few options will be discussed at our next Transportation Committee meeting.
Land Use and Zoning Update: Jenny Murray and Holly Sasnett (See meeting recording for more info in slide presentation). 631 Flat Shoals plan to build a duplex is before the Zoning Revue Board on January 16 at City Hall at 6:00pm. 1640 Flat Shoals still pending. 1560 Flat Shoals Road plan to build thirteen townhomes has resurfaced. It’s being reviewed by the Arborist’s Department. Update on Atlanta’s Zoning 2.0 and Plan A. Next LUZ meeting is January 27 at 6:30pm, on Zoom. Link is available on Holly Sasnett is now the committee co-chair. Thanks to Grant Dollar for all his work last year.
East Atlanta Parents Network Update – Chiara Girardi: February 1, 11:00am to 12:00pm, there will be a Black History Month event in front of EAV Café on Flat Shoals. Contact if you’d like to volunteer. The East Atlanta Prom will be March 15 from 6:00pm-10:00pm at the Ormewood Church Fellowship Hall. Tickets sold out last year, so look for info on EAPN’s Facebook or Instagram pages. Contact EAPN if you’d like to volunteer, sponsor, know any potential sponsors of if you’d like to donate items for the raffle or silent auction.
Porch Press Board Member: We will be renewing a board member spot at The Porch Press for 2025. This will be a voting item. More details to come. Howard Fore – The Porch Press is the free neighborhood newspaper that goes to SE Atlanta districts including East Atlanta. It’s completely run by volunteers. Howard has been the EACA board member and is volunteering to take that role for another term. Leslie Colley also wants to be a board member. Both members were approved without dissent.
Announcements / Community Updates
MLK Jr. Day of Service: Monday, January 20 from 9:30am-12:30pm. Meet at Branan Towers, 1200 Glenwood Avenue, where we’ll serve a continental breakfast to many of the two hundred residents and spruce up the outdoor activity area with annual flowers and pine straw. Other volunteer tasks include making sandwiches for the pantry at East Side Church, picking up litter and prepping garden beds at Brownwood Park.
Southeast Atlanta Neighbors Take Action forum: State senators and representatives from our area will share their priorities on Thursday, January 16, at 5:00pm via Zoom.
East Atlanta Business Association is looking for a president, vice president, and treasurer to start in March. Contact Georgia Works neighborhood cleanups may end if funds aren’t raised to support. $1,700 is needed now, but it is an ongoing need.
Neighbor in Need needs help getting info to the neighborhood’s seniors. Please pass this to any senior neighbors or relatives you may have: Special Purpose Home Repair Program – DeKalb County has a home repair program that starts out as a loan but is forgiven if you live in your home for five years. Applications taken through the end of February. The city of Atlanta has a program to help with property taxes. They will be taking applications through May.