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BATL Marker Reinstalled

By Carlen Ruth Hultgren

The Battle of Atlanta Began Here historic marker came down in July. The rebar reinforced concrete post was crumbling. Whether it was that or something to do with the power pole lying on the ground next to the post or malicious or casual vandalism is not known. BATL’s Battle Began Here tour was on July 18. When the hearty little tour group led by Will Bryant reached Clay Street and Memorial Drive, the tour’s halfway point at the marker, they were surprised to find the post crumbled and the marker on the ground. There was no damage to the marker, only road dust and weather discoloration. It was starting to rain, and retrieval of the marker was delayed until Monday morning after BATL volunteers Henry Bryant and Wayne Carey came with a pickup truck and got the marker for safekeeping and a good cleaning and touchup.

BATL-the Battle of Atlanta Commemoration Org. Inc. had one of the new-style aluminum posts since there are several Battle markers down at present. None was more important than this one and all it needed was a new post. Longtime BATL friend Perry Bennett who is actively working to reinstall fallen markers all over town has an auger for drilling the hole. He and volunteer Ralph Cheek successfully removed the broken post and BATL tour guide Chip Miller along with Henry Bryant brought concrete, tools, and water to help complete the return of the Battle Began marker. When the work was complete Ralph took this picture of Chip, Henry, and Perry.

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