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A Porch Press Thank You to Jennifer and Marc

By Penny Luck
Jennifer Thompson has been a long-time volunteer with the Porch Press. Sadly, Jennifer gave her notice in the fall, but thankfully gave us enough time to find her replacement. Jennifer has worked with the Press for many years. She originally started as East Atlanta Editor, organizing and formatting all articles contributed by writers for and about East Atlanta news. She moved on to become coordinating editor, which means she assembled all articles from the three neighborhoods of Grant Park, East Atlanta, and SAND (South Atlantans for Neighborhood Development). She then prepared articles to be submitted on a CD for proofing. After being proofed, they are inserted into the paper each month. Jennifer has done this for four years. She will be replaced as coordinating editor by Stephanie Fretwell-Hill, a current resident of Grant Park. The Porch Press thanks Jennifer for many years of service.
Marc Takacs had replaced Jennifer as East Atlanta Editor when she became Coordinating Editor, and he also continued to serve on the Porch Press board. Recently Marc resigned from the Board. The Porch Press thanks him for his service there as well as for continuing for the time being as East Atlanta Editor. The Porch Press Board of Directors in January elected Howard Fore to replace Marc on the board. Howard is acting as our webmaster.
The remaining members of the Porch Press board and volunteers wish both Jennifer and Marc well in their new endeavors.

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