Meeting Summary & Minutes
NPU-W Vice Chair Russell Baggett called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Atlanta Police Department, Zone 6: Major John Dalton reported that crime in Ormewood Park was down. East Atlanta had a few burglaries, but overall crime is down from last year. The Community Oriented Policing Section (COPS) distributed flyers with contact information for non-emergency issues involving minor public safety hazards for which beat officers may not have time. (Email: Major Dalton reminded everyone of the APD beat re-design meeting set for 7:00 p.m. March 31, 2011, at 1599 Memorial Avenue.
APD, Zone 3: Lt. Browning reported of an uptick in crime in the Grant Park area during the month of February. Most incidents involved the theft of GPS devices and laptops from autos parked behind Tin Lizzy and Six Feet Under. A few arrests were made that will hopefully reduce crime for a while.
Atlanta Fire Department: Chief Todd Edwards reported that AFD is in transition, with many veteran officers retiring. The receipt of a SAFER grant from the federal government will allow the hiring of 75 additional firefighters. At least four firefighters per vehicle are needed. The goal is to get 170 new firefighters working in the next year. Chief Edwards reminded all residents to check the batteries in their smoke alarms and to come to the fire station to obtain new batteries and smoke alarms.
District Attorney’s Office: Ms. Claire Farley reported on a recent burglary case for which the defendant received a 20-year sentence, to serve 10 in prison. She also noted that sentencing is in process for the Grant Park burglars who were caught on video and posted on YouTube. The Jonathan Redding murder case ended with a guilty verdict and a sentence of life plus 70 years.
Watershed Management: Mr. Willie Horton reported on a press conference to discuss the new water meters and unusually high water bills. His department will be inspecting all 127,000 meters to ensure they are working properly. They are also beginning the replacement of the leaking components of the water delivery system, including the water main. Mr. Horton ended by reminding all residents that conservation is needed to get through the summer season. Lawns only need 1” of water per week.
Code Enforcement: Jason Bell reminded residents that flyers and fact sheets on code enforcement issues were placed near the sign-in sheets for all to access. There are currently 591 cases in NPU-W. Of those 119 have had action taken, and 21 are new inspections. Residents with code enforcement concerns may call 404-330-6190.
City Council: Kelly Jackson, representing Councilmember-at-large Lamar Willis, asked for resident emails in order to get information out to them more quickly. She also reported that Council is working on pension reform and asked residents to watch Channel 26 for coverage of council action. The upcoming budget will also be discussed. Residents may contact Councilmember Willis by calling 404-330-6041 or emailing Ms. Jackson also gave her own email address:
Chair’s Announcements: Mr. Russell Baggett announced the upcoming citizen’s workshop with the Atlanta Planning and Advisory Board, scheduled for March 26 at City Hall. Those needing more information should contact
Public Safety Committee Report: Committee Chair Ron Lall reported on two applications for alcoholic beverage licenses. Discount Supermarket at 1334 Boulevard is applying for a change of ownership. SAND approved the application, conditional upon the applicant’s signing a good neighbor agreement. The applicant has since signed the agreement. The NPU Public Safety Committee recommends approval of this application.
The second application is a license for Sodexho to use at Zoo Atlanta. GPNA approved the application. The NPU Public Safety Committee also recommends approval of this application.
There were no objections stated to either application, and both were approved.
Mr. Lall also reported on several outdoor events. Saturday, May 21 at 8:15 a.m. there will be a road race to benefit senior citizen services. On Saturday, May 14 at 8:00 a.m. the Brownwood Bike Rally and Run will take place. This includes a 5K-foot race and bike races all day. Finally, Tunes from the Tombs will take place at Oakland Cemetery on May 21 and 22, from 11:00 a.m. until dusk. This music festival will host 100 acts on five stages. The cemetery website ( contains more information.
Mr. Lall also introduced Ms. Liz Markowitz of the Fulton County Public Defenders’ Office and encouraged residents to attend the public safety meetings and learn about the issues. He also encouraged everyone to attend the Atlanta Police Department Beat Realignment meeting on March 31 and to review the report on the website prior to attending the meeting.
Land Use and Zoning Committee Report: Committee Chair Fred Smith reported on a special exception application for the Boys and Girls Club at 790 Berne Street. The request concerns the reduction of on-site parking from 40 spaces to 4 spaces to allow for construction of a community center. The actual number of available parking spaces will remain the same. A special use permit for the center is also needed, although they have been in operation since 1964. The Land Use and Zoning Committee of the NPU and SAND, as well as the full SAND membership, voted unanimously to approve the requests. The NPU voted to approve the requests without objection.
Next, Mr. Smith reported on the application for a special exception for a day care center, to be located at 797 Moreland Avenue, where on-site parking would be reduced from 3 spaces to 0 spaces. This site is at the corner of Moreland and Gracewood. The LUZ committees of SAND and the NPU voted to approve the request. The NPU voted to approve the request without objection.
Discussion then arose regarding a previously approved rezoning plan for 792 Berne Street involving the expansion of student housing at Beulah Heights University. The first plan approved by SAND and the NPU involved the creation of a private drive and a number of other conditions.
The City refused to allow the private drive to be built, and instead suggested that BHU seek to use Killian, an abandoned street running between BHU property and the Glenwood Green townhouses. The plan originally approved by the NPU and SAND did not include using this street. Although BHU pursued the acquisition of Killian, they ultimately decided against it due to costs. BHU then returned to its original plan, from which the City removed a number of the NPU conditions concerning storm water runoff management, saying they could not be enforced by the City. A private agreement is needed between BHU and the neighboring landowners to enforce these conditions. In the discussion that followed, a motion was made and seconded to refer the matter to the Land Use and Zoning Committee for further action and to allow the committee the authority to act on behalf of the NPU on the issue if timing requires. This motion was approved 25-0-0. Another motion was made and seconded to clarify that approval no longer exists when conditions are voided by the city. This motion passed 6-3-1.
Transportation Committee Report: Committee Chair Bob Titus reported and requested consideration of five issues. The first issue involved requesting that the City allocate $450,000 for the realignment of the intersection of Glenwood and Moreland.
The second issue involved the NPU support for bus rapid transit along Moreland Avenue as part of the T-SPLOST process.
The third issue involved the NPU support for the Marta East I-20 Mass Transit Initiative to extend MARTA train lines eastward as approved by the Atlanta Regional Commission. This would also be part of the T-SPLOST list. The fourth issue involved the submission of the southeast segment of the Atlanta Beltline transit system as part of the T-SPLOST list. The NPU Transportation Committee recommended all four of these actions, and the NPU approved all four individually without objection.
The fifth issue engendered significant discussion. This recommendation of the Transportation Committee was to support the conditional approval of the Beltline Subarea 4 Master Plan. The Transportation Committee voted 8-3 to recommend this measure. In the full NPU discussion, considerable concerns were raised about the increased density in land use in the currently proposed Beltline plan. Concerns were also raised that without transportation components, the increased density cannot be managed. After a long discussion, a vote was taken, resulting in a 10-10 tie. The chair did not vote. Therefore the Beltline Master Plan for Subarea 4 still is not approved.
Adjournment: With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
SEABA Updates
By Ashley McCartney
Ziba’s Restaurant and Wine Bar hosted our networking soiree on April 21, 2011. I had personally never been to Ziba’s, but was very impressed by the place and will certainly return. The food was great. The drink special of the evening was a fresh, delicious Zibarita! We appreciate Marcie’s gracious hospitality.
On May 19, 2011 from 5:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., SEABA will be attending the 128th birthday celebration for Grant Park, hosted by the Grant Park Conservancy at the Grant Park Pavilions. So, join us for a birthday party in the park! Enjoy delicious savories, sweets and beverages, hear about the Conservancy’s accomplishments and plans, and tour the fabulously-renovated Grant Park Recreation Center. Save the date for this fun event in the park!
In other news, SEABA has contracted with one of our members, rightClique Design, LLC, to revamp our website. Members can look forward to a facelift of the current website as well as more opportunities to promote their business. SEABA seeks to be a valuable resource to our local businesses and the new website will provide us with more tools to do so.
Our next Soiree will be held on June 16, 2011 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:15 p.m. at AGAVE! This has historically been one of the best events of the year. Come enjoy some eats and drinks and meet other business owners and entrepreneurs in the neighborhood. This is where deals get started, so don’t forget your business cards!
Please check the SEABA website,, for information about our new membership guidelines, committee leaders, membership benefits, and tactical and strategic plans for 2011-2012. If you would like to be on our mailing list or know more about our organization just send an email to and we’ll get back to you. We are also now on Facebook.
SEABA (South East Atlanta Business Association) was created through the merger of the Reynoldstown/Cabbagetown Business Association and the Grant Park Merchants Association in 2006. Our most important goals are to strengthen and grow the business community and enhance the quality of life for all residents. SEABA is a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation operated by volunteers.
April 12, 2011 EACA Meeting
7:10 p.m. Meeting called to order
Public Safety Report
Police Report – Major Dalton, Zone 6, Atlanta Police Department
- The biggest issue in East Atlanta is copper being stolen
- Vacant homes are being broken into
- Anything that you see is suspicious, please call 911
How’s it coming with the speeding on Moreland Ave through Flat Shoals?
- We are working on it and we are trying to have more road blocks as well
Atlanta Fire & Rescue Department – Chief Parker, Fire Station #10
- We received a 10 million dollar grant to increase our staff by 75 ppl as well as enhance our ability to respond to calls
- It will take about 10 months to get training in place
- On May 2, the Mayors Office of Constituent Services will launch a program called Senior Link to provide ways to assist seniors in our communities
- Outdoor fires are an issue this time of year because of all the outdoor activities
- Create a 30-foot buffer surrounding your house by removing all loose debris to eliminate fire hazards
- Use care operating equipment and remove all buildup in gutters
- Remove dead limbs that hang over your home or garage
- 404-546-7000 is a number you can call to find out about programs offered through the Fire Department such as Atlanta Citizen’s Emergency Response Team, Citizens Fire Cabinet, Child Safety Seat Program, etc.
Committee Updates – Austin Dickson, President EACA
- Reminder that we have a program called Food for Firefighters to benefit our firemen at Fire Station 13
- We serve meals on Friday evenings
Neighbor in Need
- Our financial report is published on the back of the agenda this evening
- We just spent $9000 on our Neighbor in Need program
- The East Atlanta Patch is here tonight and published an article on the Neighbor in Need program
- The East Atlanta Patch is an online magazine and blog run by AOL
We are accepting new requests for assistance with neighbors that are in need
Arts and Culture Committee
- The Arts and Culture Committee has begun a theater project to take place this summer
East Atlanta Farmer’s Market
- The East Atlanta Farmer’s Market begins on May 5th
- EACA and the EAFM were visited by the Community Foundation and we hope to receive a grant for picnic tables
Committee Business
Jack Gruendler, Transportation Chairperson
- All of the resolutions we voted on last month made it into the project
- I have bike suitability maps available if you are interested see me afterwards
Henry Bryant, BATL
- BATL will occur this year on July 16
- Review of the map that shows the center of the Battle for Atlanta that was created by the State of Georgia for the centennial in 1960
- The heaviest fighting in Atlanta occurred in the heart of East Atlanta
- We are approaching the 150 year anniversary of the Battle for Atlanta
- On July 15 we have a fundraiser gala at the East Lake Golf Club
- There will be dinner and entertainment
- Tickets will be available for $40 to EACA members at a discount of $10 per ticket
- Tickets will be sold before June 1 to take advantage of the discount
- We are organizing volunteers and need them for the day of the event like runners, hosts, and table hosts
- We are also looking for sponsors
Andy Schneggenburger, Land Use and Zoning
Ron Lall, SAND
- There has been a recent initiative by Quick Trip to put a gas station in at Moreland and Ormewood Aves
- There is a master plan (LCI) for the Moreland Ave Corridor
- It’s a transit oriented plan for the community
- There are some Land Use and Zoning changes that are part of that LCI study
- There is agreement at the city level that the use of the land should be changed but not the actual zoning
- Review of a map outlining the parcel where Quick Trip would like to put a gas station
- The vision for the area when the plan was adopted was mixed use and the land is zoned C-1
- The city says if you are a gas station, you have to be 100 ft away from R-4 zoned properties (residential)
- A year ago when QT wanted to put the gas station in, they were told that they had to have 100 ft set back in order to do it
- QT came back with a solution of creating a newly platted lot by splitting the lot and putting a C-1 lot behind the C-1 lot in order to get around the set back guidelines
Was the re-platting something that required NPU or Neighborhood approval?
- No because it was a commercial re-plat as opposed to a residential re-plat
- We have done a lot of planning for this corridor and the concern is that projects like this come along and will be ineffective to the Master Plan
- We would like to ask for EACA support of four items that were passed by the NPU and Land Use and Zoning Committee:
- A resolution to adopt the recommended zoning districts that occur in the LCI
- To object to the issuance of building permits that conflict with land use recommendations outlined in the LCI
- To request that the city establish minimum lot size requirements for the C-1 and C-4 zoning district
To object to the issuance of any building permits based upon the sub-divisional re-plat of the lot at 731 Moreland Ave
- I am concerned that the study requires us to wait a long time for the mixed use to come to fruition
- I am a home owner near the area and I would like to be on record stating that I would welcome QuikTrip on the lot
- This is not about Quick Trip but the circumventing by the owner to re-plat the lot without community involvement
- We would like support of legislation submitted by Councilmember Archibong to allow vending on private property
- This is among a number of changes that we will be submitting through convening a committee of EACA, SAND, and EABA members
- The NPU voted to roll the legislation into the review or pass it with conditions
- I would like to defer this for one month to get more information to the community before we pass
- February 2010 we had discussion that some of the businesses wanted to have vending opportunity outside their stores
- We have been cautious because we wanted to make sure that our commercial district was attractive
- Business owners have pushed so that they may have more opportunities to be innovative in light of the current economy
- I support the efforts of those who are working on this issue and those who will be working on the comprehensive proposal
- I am hopeful that we can get some participation temporarily until we have a full review
- This will also give us the ability to look into the issue of street food vendors
- I would like to get Zone 6 relocated into the Memorial Drive area
- This would be very convenient
- We are on recess for Council
- The biggest issue right now is pension
- City employees are concerned
- The cell tower issue is being addressed and I am working on convening a stake holder meeting so that all parties involved can work together on the issue
- The cell tower issue is a city-wide issue
- We will have the tire round up next weekend
- Bicycle tires will be accepted
- The new commissioner has experience in Dekalb Co and will be starting in May
- We had 6 months with an interim commissioner and we are going to move to a permanent commissioner now
- The interim commissioner will remain at his current post prior to his interim position
- There was a move to make the department more streamlined
- EABF will be held on May 21 in Brownwood Park from 12-8 pm
- We had 3,700 ticketed guests last year
- We are authorized for 5,000 tickets
- The NPU asks our community what we think about the event
- East Atlanta has not had a Court Watch program in order to make sure that criminals are being treated according to the law based upon their record and offenses
- If you are interested, please email me
- LUZ Motion to adopt the zoning for the parcels in the LCI plan – passed unanimously.
- LUZ Motion to adopt a resolution opposing the recent re-platting of the C-1 lots at 731 Moreland (between Hall and Ormewood) and any permits granted on the basis of the re-platting – passed
- Motion to form a BHU LUZ ad hoc committee to review the new site plans, address any neighborhood questions, and come back to present at SAND was passed 44-1.
- Motion to authorize Exec Committee to spend up $5,000 on legal counsel for SAND Development ad hoc committee – passed unanimously
- Motion to create an ad hoc Development committee to address concerns about the development and fund raising – passed unanimously
- Matt Podowitz – update on SAFE Atlanta, SAND911 twitter
- 911 Town Hall meeting 4/20 in Kirkwood
- Congratulations to neighbor Joy Carter – winner of the 2011 Park Pride Inspiration Award for communities for her work with Constitution Lakes!
- Jacci Fuller Park clean up (4/16) and egg hunt (4/23)
- Earth Day 4/23 – District 1 eWaste and Discarded Paint pick up at turner field, sponsored by Carla Smith, City Council
- SouthFace and ARC design sessions for the Edgewood Park & Candler Park MARTA stations 4/16
- Block party on Woodland 4/16
- Empty Bowls 4/16 – Stone Soup in Cabbagetown, fundraiser for Trinity Hall
- SAFE Atlanta; cookies for cops; food for firefighters; flier distribution program; Refuse to Be a Victim seminars.
- Raffle winner: Jimmy Hardy won a $50 gift card to Home Grown restaurant
- The Moreland LCI does not account for anything like this compatibility.
- The store would have an entrance on Ormewood Avenue, which is a neighborhood dedicated SAFE route to schools.
- Motions carried to authorize up to $5k for legal counsel and for an ad hoc Development committee. Special meeting called for 4/21.
Motion to support a resolution to adopt the recommended zoning districts that occur in the LCI study
All in favor: 28
All opposed: 0
All Abstaining: 0
Motion to pass unanimously
Motion to object to the issuance of building permits that conflict with land use recommendations outlined in the LCI
All in favor: 28
All opposed: 3
All Abstaining: 0
Motion to pass
Motion to request that the city establish minimum lot size requirements for the C-1 and C-4 zoning district
All in favor: 22
All opposed: 0
All Abstaining: 7
Motion to pass
Motion to object to the issuance of any building permits based upon the sub-divisional re-plat of the lot at 731 Moreland Ave
All in favor: 23
All opposed: 2
All Abstaining: 5
Motion to pass
Natalyn Archibong comments:
Motion to defer vending legislation support for one month
All in favor: 22
All opposed: 0
All Abstaining: 0
Motion to pass unanimously
On Thursday, April 14, the Tax Allocation Advisory Committee for the Beltline will be giving their annual briefing at the Georgia Hill center 6-8 pm
Council Update
Hon. Natalyn Archibong, District 5
Could you comment on changes that are going on with the new commissioner and the happenings at Watershed Management?
NPU-W Update
Ed Gilgor, NPU-W Chairperson/ Public Safety Committee Co-Chair
Announcements and Approval of March Minutes
Lewis Cartee, Vice President EACA
Our Beautification Chairperson, Kevin, is leading the Burger Booth this year and we need about 12 volunteers – please email him if you are interested
Motion to approve March EACA minutes
All in favor
Motion to pass unanimously
8:48 p.m. Meeting Adjourned
Grant Park Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes, April 2011
By Laurie Baggett
7:32pm meeting called to order.
President Russell Baggett thanked Zoo Atlanta for accommodations and reviewed members’ voting rights. 53 were in attendance, including 9 new members. Thanks were extended to Zayra Fosse and volunteers for their help and hard work in raising $1,800 from the Pub Crawl. We look forward to having another one very soon. He discussed the “Ditch the Dive well Campaign” and made a formal motion to the body to contribute matching grant funds. Michael Hoath discussed collaboration between Friends of Grant Park Pool, GPNA and Grant Park Conservancy, and budget estimates of $42,000 to remove the dive well and return it to green space. Sources like City Of Atlanta have already donated funds. One donor for the Milledge Fountain restoration campaign asked that his donation be transferred to this project. David Ringstrom, representing Friends of GP Pool, explained that their funds are raised separately from GPNA’s. The project is expected to take 4 months to complete. The motion passed unanimously.
Vice President Lauren Rocereta distributed committee signup sheets. The Neighborhood Watch block captain’s meeting had a great turnout. For updated information, follow us on FaceBook, or visit our website at She introduced Pastor Tony Lankford, who asked for help in getting new neighbor boxes out every month to anyone he may have missed, and Attorney Chris Balch, who reviewed the bylaws update. The Bylaws Committee proposed changes last month, and a second version was distributed with changes made due to cost effectiveness. Final decisions for bylaw revision were extended for 30 days. Contact Chris at, where any member can write in about changes in the process at any time.
Secretary Laurie Baggett said last month’s meeting minutes were on FaceBook, in the Porch Press, and are in front for review.
Treasurer Michelle Botwinick was not present.
Public Safety Committee Chair Chris Newman introduced Lieutenant Browning, who works daytime shift in Zone 3’s Crimes Oppression Unit. Auto larcenies are up on Memorial Drive. She brought literature about the Clean Car Campaign which explains emptying your car of valuables or coinage. Six burglaries and 6 auto thefts were reported last month, primarily during daytime hours. Copper from air conditioning units and whole units are being stolen. Call 911 if you see something that doesn’t look right. A noise ordinance exists that states that ice cream trucks must turn off music while stopped.
Economic Development Committee Chair Jeff Rogers said meeting reminder yard signs and GPNA window decals for cars are available.
Education Committee Chair Meg Boeff asked parents to join Grant Park Parents’ network on FaceBook and at She discussed the annual Spring Fling event and open play groups on weekends in the park. Check the website for events and locations. SEACS group meets to discuss improvements on Maynard Jackson High School. Find details at
Fund Raising Committee Chair Zayra Fosse said a Restaurant Week fund raiser will be discussed at the next meeting at 7:30pm at Agave. Another pub crawl is planned for summertime. Gigi Conner updated information about the Tour Of Homes fund raiser on the last weekend in September. It will have a history and harvest theme again this year and will include the Grant Park Farmer’s Market. Please come to Dakota Blue on Monday 5/2, 7pm to help.
Historic Committee Chair Paul Simo was not in attendance.
Land Use And Zoning Committee Chair Rick Hudson discussed a variance request from 344 Woodward Avenue regarding the 35′ height restriction for that particular location. There were 2 motions for non-acceptance from immediate neighbors and committee members, therefore, the recommendation from the committee is to not support the process. No one from the property was in attendance. A motion to the floor was made, properly seconded, and voted unanimous for non-acceptance of the variance. Pastor Tony Lankford presented for a courtesy visit for committees to support his application for a variance to add space to his property. Next meeting is Thursday 5/5 at 7:00pm at Zoo Atlanta in the Tech Lab. Rick is the Beltline Study Group Coordinator, and a volunteer for the Beltline Partnership who conducts educational groups every Tuesday at 6:00pm. On 4/30 a 5k run fundraiser will take place, and also a bike tour on 5/7. Visit for information.
Parks and Recreation Committee Chair Sharon Jenkins introduced Mr. Doug Voss, the director of City of Atlanta’s Parks Department. Contact him at or 404546-6742. The customer service center’s number is 404-546-6813. Lighting in the park is being evaluated, a plan for bathroom renovations is going through the Park’s design office, and a work order has been filed for work to begin by fall. The current urban camper policy is for removal. Nick Williams the new director of the Recreation Center. Carol Fisk informed us of GP Conservancy’s Friday evening social events from 6-8pm starting 5/1. Meet at the south end of the Boulevard parking lot. The GP Farmers Market will start on 5/15 from 10am – 2 pm by the Milledge fountain. It will run every Sunday until Thanksgiving. Contact Jeremy if interested in joining an adult softball league.
Technology Committee Chair Stephanie Warner was not in attendance.
Transportation Committee Chair Louie Ingall was not in attendance due to the arrival of his new baby girl! Please email to him.
Senator Nan Orrock discussed the immigration bill and an upcoming town hall meeting to be announced.
Open forum: A public art community project will take place in May in Freedom Park. Visit for information.
Meeting adjourned at 9:09pm.
SAND Apr 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes and Notes
By Rikki Bolster
Meeting called to order by President Steve Norman.
Public Safety: APD Zone 6: Officer Dearlove – reported trend of burglaries between 8am and noon. People going door to door soliciting should have credentials from the city, such as a solicitation permit. If not, call 911.
Transportation: MARTA I-20 corridor public meetings, first week in May; SE Beltline quadrant made the MARTA and City of Atlanta list
SAND Development
Building permit application filed for 731 Moreland by QuikTrip to build a gas station and convenience store. Application does not require any re-zoning. Location was re-platted by the current owner from six C-1 lots into two C-1 lots. Previous plans for this development would have required a 100’ set back from neighboring residential (R-4) properties. The new re-platting provided a 10’-20’ C-1 lot between the adjoining R-4 properties and the C-1 lot being proposed for the convenience store, negating the need for the 100’ set back.
Resolutions from the SAND/NPU-W LUZ committee meeting were passed; proposal for SAND to make similar ones. A Resolution to request the city to disallow the creation of unbuildable lots that circumvent the intent of prior requirements was tabled.
BHU Presentation
Previous site plans for development of new student housing have been changed (hence, SAND’s previous support is no longer valid). BHU will purchase and use the abandoned portion of Killian Street to access four houses; a fifth will be built along Vernon (where previously a driveway had been planned). Site plans and hydrology reports were submitted to SAND 4/13. Ad hoc committee created to review the plans and address any neighborhood concerns. Special meeting called for 4/28.
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